Consider a 9 hold bulk carrier, loaded with alternate holds empty and, others full of Iron Ore, sailing on an ocean passage, in storm conditions. Explain how the wavelength is produced naturally and how various wavelengths would have differing effects on the hull structure in this loaded condition.

Consider a 9 hold bulk carrier, loaded with alternate holds empty and, others full of Iron Ore, sailing on an ocean passage, in storm conditions. Explain how the wavelength is produced naturally and how various wavelengths would have differing effects on the hull structure in this loaded condition.

Describe the actions that could have been taken to reduce the effects of loading and wave action in this case.
Explain in detail, the various motions which the hull of this vessel may experience during this period of its passage.

Now consider the vessel arriving at its destination port. The vessel will pass from deep water into shallow water at constant velocity.
Explain which laws of hydrodynamics should be considered with regards to ship squat and why this occurs. Make reference to the content of these laws.

Discuss the design of propeller which you would expect to find on such a bulk carrier and explain how this would differ from a propeller on a containership with a service speed of 23 knots. Explain why these differences in design between the ship types would exist.

You must include a suitable introduction and conclusion to your guide, have a structure of headings and subheading, and ensure all the sources and references you use are properly acknowledged.

NOTE: The word length for this assignment is 2000 words (+/- 10%). This excludes the contents page, contents list, references/bibliography list and any annex/appendices.

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