Your project team is currently in the performance doldrums. Describe how you would deal with the following issues which are affecting team performance:A team member has been passed over for promotion by his department and is very demotivated as a result.

Management and Leadership

Two team members who are not cooperating with each other on key issues. A factional split in the team.

A problem which is clearly the fault of a particular team member and will cause a serious delay affecting other team members and possibly the completion deadline.

A team member with a strong personality who always tries to dominate the meeting.

Task Leadership

a) List 10 key skills which a project manager should have.

b) List, from a team point of view, 8 main activities of a project manager and give examples of their effectiveness from your own experience. Rate your list in priority order giving reasons for your choices.

c) List and explain five key aspects for successful delegation.

d) Identify the different leadership styles which a project manager could use and evaluate each.

e) Write a brief analysis of what you consider to be your personal management ‘style’. Are there any ways that you could improve on what you currently do?

I) List 3 ‘negative leadership’ skills and evaluate their drawbacks.

g) List 3 ‘positive’ leadership skills/tactics and describe how they can help a project manager build their leadership. Give examples from your own experience.
Task More Leadership

Your project team is currently in the performance doldrums. Describe how you would deal with the following issues which are affecting team performance:
a) A team member has been passed over for promotion by his department and is very demotivated as a result.

b) A team member has problems with their partner at home which is causing anger management issues at work.

c) A team member has had a serious disagreement with their head of department over the amount of time spent on your project. The head of department and the team member are both blaming you.

d) You need to send a team member on a special two-week training course which your project needs to reinvigorate it. The team member cares for an elderly parent who cannot be left alone for more than two or three days at a time.

e) A new female team member has replaced a well-respected male member who has been promoted. Whilst well qualified, she lacks confidence and is overawed by other team members such that she is not contributing effectively to meetings or to the project.

0 Your whole team has lost its drive and focus. What tactics would you use to re-motivate it?

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