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Project Title

New security agenda and political economy

Proposed mode of research

non-empirical and empirical which may include field research, written work, composition and social work.

Aims and objectives

What contributes to peace/or factors that affects new security agenda(peace)
How political economy affects international relations
How the global peace (security) and political economy contribute/or affects social and public policies.


This paper will investigates the factors which contributes to new security agenda and international political relations and its affects’ on local policies and public.


Since cold war the concept of new security agenda have become the source of growing international concern. Which include transnational terrorism , ethnic conflict and civil strife, drug trafficking, organized crime, resource scarcity, environmental degradation, illicit or uncontrolled migration, and AIDS and other epidemiological threats. It have become the focus of security policy. (Paul B. Stares, Japan Institute of International Affairs 1998).
The dramatic disruption and change to the global balance of power since the end of Cold War. Lots of which have been hasten in recent years which could lead to a more multipolar world. i.e. recent changes in the US foreign policy include US withdrawal from the Join Comprehensive Plan of Action (the Iran nuclear deal) and the Paris Agreement on climate change, US policy in the Middle East and the Administration trade policy. The UK and US relationship, the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change, Iran nuclear deal and the UN human Rights council and the imposition of trade tariffs on its allies, undermine efforts to tackle pressing global challenge of critical importance to the UK. (Select Committee on International Relations, 5th Report of Session 2017-19). rising China, Shrinking political center-ground in much of Europe, Russia using Cyber malevolence , the collapse of some regimes in the middle east with governments dramatically weakened or overthrown.

Political economy (refer to throwing away leader and wto )New security agenda and political economy have impact on the social and public polices
Inequality in international trade, Doha Development agenda developing countries and non-government organizations (NGOs) have expressed regarding perceived inequities in the WTO system. Mainly in areas of substantive law, rules that governs intellectual property, agriculture, and trade remedies that largely favour constituencies in certain developed country. Nevertheless, WTO staff which is an active policy maker, 80 percent of the staff are nationals of developed countries. Hence China started to place its nationals in WTO and other international organization. When China gain its technological and military capacity to be competitor to the developed countries the international development agenda might change. According to Robert Hunter Wade 2003 “world id proceeding on the assumption, in the TRIPS () agreement , that developing county state do have a considerable capacity to enforce patents and copyrights. It is not obvious that at state that can do this would not also be able to implement effective protection and other forms of industrial policy” a modern version of Friedrich List’s’ kicking away the ladder. Uruguay Round on investment measures (TRIMS), trade in services (GATS), and intellectual property rights (TRIPS). these regulations limits the option of the developing country government to enforce the option of companies operating within the country but they are not about limiting the companies options. Hence developing countries are more tightly constrained in their national development strategies by rapidly growing regulation formulated and enforced by international organization. (Taylor and Francis. 2003 review of international political economy). Early to this, another factor is ‘policy agenda which many countries pursued during the 1980s and 1990s did not result in the desire acceleration of economic development’ (Jorg Mayer, United Nations, conference on Trade and Development, 2008). Therefore resulted on the debate of developing countries to come up with growth development strategies that structures economic policies and more proactive policies for development strategies or flexibility under the trade rules through “Policy Space” in the international political economy.

However, Political trade dependence (PTD) motivates developing countries to seek north-South Regional Trade agreement. While they already enjoy generalized system of preference (GSP) when they export to EU, United States and other developed economies due to Unilateral trade grant that can often be taken away. (MARKS S. MANGER University of Tornoto and Kenneth C. Shadlen, London School of Economics, Political Trade Dependence and North-South Trade Agreements, 2014)

Expected research contribution

Why is your research question or hypothesis worth asking? (international political relations are changing so frequently over the last few years i.e. BREXIT happened, US and UK relationship, Emergence of new Political economy power like China, India and Iran.

How is the current research lacking or falling short? (almost third world war could happen as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and some Afriqan countries are at war. Clushes of powerful countries. Migration crisis is happening and human rights are violated what could have been done to prevent it.
What impact will your research have on the discipline?

Will you be extending an area of knowledge, applying it to new contexts, solving a problem, testing a theory, or challenging an existing one?

Establish why your research is important by convincing your audience there is a gap.

The recent disruption and change to the global balance of power and global pendamic have a wide impact which as a result changed many international political relations, security agenda and local public policies which needs evaluation

What will be the outcome of your research contribution? (how the new public security agenda and political economy affect daily life/ social and public policy evaluation and implemention for public reform to get out the global pendamic and any other foreseen future international change of political relations..

Demonstrate both your current level of knowledge and how the pursuit of your question or hypothesis will create a new understanding and generate new information. (with the help of my academic background and work experience and interest in reading different papars about ( the mixture of my two degrees Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of public Administration give me a better perspective of understanding the current trade politics and international and local policies. During my Masters I studied modules such as Trade Politics, Strategic Planning, Change Manage, Governance and Delivery, Public policy analysis and Financial Management and Evaluated and used many literature theories in evaluating different public and international policies which gives me good understand of international politics and different research theories and policy implementation which would help in finding my research Objectives

Show how your research is innovative and original. (all aspect of public and social life/ public and social policies are directly affected by security and international political relations. UK is trying to boost its economy by trying attract more investment in the country through by adopting the liberalization trade politics by reducing the tax rate to 17% which is the lowest tax rate in Europe in the world with least corporation tax payment. After Brexit tried to build good political relation with eureopen countries and China and India in order to build good trade with these countries and so are all G7 countries working for xxxxxxx . besides, The way UK changes its foreign policy it have a direct affect on the local policies. Plus Globalization and technology improvement prompt governments to change and made new policies

Proposed methodology

Will be using the combination of various literature theories, change management, Policy evaluation and Policy transfer, Multiple Stream, Capitalism and open trade. While doing my research for literature review I came across of different theories used by different countries leading a Macro global change.
Work plan



(Paul B. Stares, Japan Institute of International Affairs 1998).

UK Foreign Policy in a shifting world, 5th Report of Session 2017-19

Taylor and Francis. 2003 review of international political economy).

Jorg Mayer, United Nations, conference on Trade and Development, 2008

MARKS S. MANGER University of Tornoto and Kenneth C. Shadlen, London School of Economics, Political Trade Dependence and North-South Trade Agreements, 2014.

What Strategies are viable for developing countries today? The Wold Trade Organization and the shrinking of development space, Robert Hunter Wade 2003.

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Inequality in international Trade? Developing countries and institutional change in WTO dispute settlement, James Smith.

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