Identify a couple positive contributions we receive by the assimilation or contributions of other cultures to our culture in the West, and a couple negative aspects of this process.

Greece and the Spread of Culture




Within a generation after Alexander’s death, Greek culture had spread across Asia and parts of Africa. Culture which includes language. political, religious, social … Western Civilization was entrenched in (modern countries of) India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, and others … everyone was Westernized.

Today, the West has found its way into every cranny of the cultures and countries of the world, but so to, other countries have become part of Western culture at least in terms of their presence in our culture.


Identify a couple positive contributions we receive by the assimilation or contributions of other cultures to our culture in the West, and a couple negative aspects of this process.

Then, decide based on what you understand, whether further globalization is of benefit to mankind or not and explain briefly.

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