Critically compare and contrast between Enland and Finland educational systems, evaluating the different journeys children would encounter within them.

A comparative study: To critically compare and contrast between England and Finland educational systems, evaluating the different journeys children would encounter within them.


Comparison of early year education of England and Finland

· Introduction

A personal reflection and justification of the chosen educational contexts explored, including a reflection of the chosen focus of the comparison. Consideration is also given to what is hoped to be learned through undertaking the study, both personally and professionally.

· Methodology

A consideration and justification of how the study was approached and any potential limitations, including the nature of the sources. Relevant literature is drawn upon.

· Presentation of comparison

Relevant elements of comparison are presented in a table or other visual format. There is clear, concise and accurate presentation of similarities and differences. (nominal / max 300)

1000 words

· Discussion and analysis

Theoretical perspectives of comparative education are applied to critically analyse and evaluate similarities and differences. This may include, but is not li.mited to, consideration of culture, society, economy, politics and globalization (where relevant). The significance of comparison and application of theory is reflected upon and critically evaluated.

· Conclusion

Key discussion points are summarized and drawn together. There is reflection on what has been learned

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