Advise Salma of any rights that she has under employment law and the steps she would need to take to enforce them.

Business Law


Learning Outcomes tested in this assignment:

1 Outline key aspects of the English legal system.
2 Explain the ingredients needed to make a valid contract under English law.
3 Explain the basic principles of employment law, including those in relation to employment status and dismissal.
4 Explain the elements needed to make a claim in negligence in Tort.

5 Critique the different forms of business organisations and describe the way in which these organisations can enter into contracts through the law of agency.

Assignment Brief

Essay 1 – (Learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4) (28% marks)
In this module, particularly in contract law and tort law, we have studied many cases.
Pick one contract law case and one tort law case that you feel has been significant in the development of English law.

For each case:

Include brief factual details of the case, including which court it was heard in.

With reference to academic commentary, explain why you feel this case is of particular legal significance.

Explain how this case fits into the overall framework of contract law/ the tort of negligence.

Essay 2 – (Learning outcome 3) (28% marks)

Salma is a tutor, specialising in tutoring children between the ages of 12 and 16. She sees a tutor post advertised in a local newspaper from an organisation, Tutors R Us Ltd and applies for the role. She is successful in interview.

When Salma begins work, she is not given any written contract/ statement of terms but is told that she is self-employed. The Managing Director of Tutors R Us Ltd informs Salma that she must complete her own tax return, via the self-assessment process and must provide her own laptop. She is told that she must not carry out any tutoring work outside of her work for Tutors R Us and cannot send another tutor in her place. Salma works each week from 9-4pm, Monday to Thursday with Tutors R Us, at the company’s premises and is paid a monthly amount of £2,000 for her work.

After three years working for Tutors R Us, there is a downturn in the economy and the client base of the company is reducing. Tutors R Us write to Salma and tell her that her services are no longer required. In the letter they state that there have been concerns about her tutoring capability and in the circumstances, they are terminating her contract with immediate effect.

Advise Salma of any rights that she has under employment law and the steps she would need to take to enforce them.

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