Discuss how you would practice relational alignment (i.e., building rapport and creating a meaningful connection) with each of the primary DISC types (D, I, S, or C).

What Guiding Purpose Statement will govern your relationship with God in the midst of every relational context?
The first question (Question 1) requires you to articulate a “tight and bright” Guiding Purpose Statement (GPS) in the required format (see below). You will also provide a brief paragraph of context to describe your choice of GPS. For detailed instructions on formatting the GPS, see below.

A clearly defined GPS will govern the process of being and becoming like Christ in a specific way in a specific relational context. As a result of being attentive to your GPS, you will learn more about how you need to treat others.

With this in mind, create your GPS by providing one-word descriptors in the blanks below. The GPS should take this format: “Seeking to be a/an
[ ] of Christ, I am commited to become a/an [_______________] [_______________].”

When filling in the blanks, use one word descriptors. For example, one of the following words might describe who you want to be in your relationship with Jesus: example, imitator, follower, representative, reflection, beacon, fragrance, etc. If any of these do not work for you, find one that does!

As a purpose statement, the GPS should influence your relational behaviors. For example, if you are a task-oriented person, your GPS could look something like this: “Seeking to be an imitator of Christ, I am committed to become a considerate supervisor.

” Or perhaps you want to become a more thoughtful partner. Your GPS might be crafted as follows: “Seeking to be an example of Christ, I am committed to become an attentive husband.”

After you provide your GPS in the format listed above (i.e., Seeking to be a ______ of Christ, I am committed to become a ______ _______), provide a paragraph that discusses how this GPS will help you grow in favor with Christ and this relationship. Describe why you chose this GPS and how you want God to use it in your interpersonal context(s)!

Can you describe “Who I am”?
In providing an answer for Question 2, review the results from your Professional/Leadership DISC Profile. Use the feedback from the Professional/Leadership DISC assessment and the following bullets to describe your current relational style. Respond to this question in a source-supported, thoughtful fashion. Describe your DISC through the lens of “This is me” and “this is expected of me” as shown in the bulleted format below. Use source citations and provide meaningful insight into your DISC style.

This is Me! (Graph 2) –

This is Expected of Me (Graph 1) –

In light of your DISC style, can you point out how you would shift your style (i.e., build common ground; 1 Cor. 9) in order to align with each of the four primary styles?

In Question 3, you should discuss how you would practice relational alignment (i.e., building rapport and creating a meaningful connection) with each of the primary DISC types (D, I, S, or C). Thoughtfully integrate insights (i.e., source citations) from the required sources as you point out how to shift your DISC with each of the primary DISC behavioral patterns. For example, if you are primarly a D/C, how you would practice relational alignment with a D type? Explain how you would shift your “D/Cness” to align with someone who has a predominate D style. Do that for each of the four primary DISC styles.

Responding to the following bullets will help you satisfactorily answer Question #4. Point out how you would shift your style to align with a D, I, S, and C.
[Your Style] aligned with a D
[Your Style] aligned with an I
[Your Style] aligned with a S
[Your Style] aligned with a C
Alignment should:
Provide meaningful insights into alignment with each of the primary DISC types. Your paper should include the headings listed above.

Include pertinent citations from the paper’s 7 required sources!

Noticeably use language that describes your behavioral patterns (e.g., strengths, shortcomings, blindspots: overuse of a strength or an unmanaged shortcoming, etc) and provide information on how to manage them in each DISC context.

Point out how will you communicate and connect with a predetermined care-seeker from the case study?

In Question 4, you will describe the process of building rapport and practicing DISC-specific relational alignment with your predetermined careseeker.

Your answer will inform a practice people-helping relationship. See steps below.

Choose a care-seeker from the case study (i.e., Bruce, Josh, Brody, Melissa, or Justin).

After reviewing the case study’s information, make an informed guess and briefly describe the care-seeker’s DISC relational style (see Carbonell for a detailed explanation of the different DISC types).

Use DISC-specific language to describe at least 1 interpersonal communication technique that will overcome one of your communication traps and increase your ability to actively listen with empathy, genuineness, and graciousness. Provide at least 2 helpful insights from course sources and 1 related Scripture.

Point out how you will shift your DISC relational style to align with your careseeker’s DISC style (i.e., apply insights from Q#1, 2, 3). How would you practice relational alignment to build rapport with your careseeker?

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