Describe underlying concepts and reasoning related to the collection and evaluation of quantitative data in health care research.

• Competency 1: Describe underlying concepts and reasoning related to the collection and evaluation of quantitative data in health care research.

o Interpret the overall clinical meaning and limitations of the relationship of two variables, based on a correlation analysis and literature regarding age and stress.

• Competency 2:Apply appropriate statistical methods using common software tools in the collection and evaluation of health care data.

o Create a histogram and scatter plot for variables tested for normal distribution.

o Perform a normal distribution assumption test for two variables to determine if data is normally distributed.

o Perform an appropriate correlation test to determine the direction and strength or magnitude of the relationship between two variables.

• Competency 3:Interpret the results and practical significance of statistical health care data analyses.

o Interpret the effect size for correlation analysis results.

• Competency 5: Address assignment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

o Articulate meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.

o Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
For this three-part assignment, complete the following, referring to the helpful links in Resources:
Part 1: Graphic Representation of the Data From the Yoga Stress (PSS) Study Data Set

1. Using the readings, media, and resources discussed to date, create a histogram or bar graph (according to the measurement level of the data) of the following variables: Age, Education, Pre-intervention Psychological Stress Score (PSS). Done

2. Using the readings, media, and other resources discussed to date, create a scatter plot of the following pair of variables: Age Versus Pre-intervention Psychological Stress Score (PSS). Done

Part 2: Statistical Tests

1. Perform a pre-analysis assumption test for a normal-distribution test to determine if the data you intend to use for the correlation tests passes the assumption of being normally distributed. Done

o You will use this test for Age and Pre-intervention Psychological Stress Score (PSS).
2. Perform the appropriate correlation test to determine the direction and strength or magnitude of the relationship between these two variables from Step 1.
o Remember, we are not concerned about causation at this point and want to determine only if there is a statistical association.
Part 3: Yoga Stress (PSS) Study Paper

• Include the histogram and scatter plot graphics you created earlier for Age and Pre-intervention Psychological Stress Score (PSS).
o Provide an interpretation for these graphics.

• Report the statistical outcome of the correlation analysis using appropriate scholarly style, including a brief interpretation of the effect size of the correlation.

• Interpret the practical, real-world meaning (and limitations of the interpretation) of the relationship of these two variables, based on the correlation analysis you performed.

• Include the SPSS “.sav”output file that shows your programming and results from Parts 1 and 2 for this assignment.

• Provide at least one evidence-based scholarly or peer-reviewed article that supports your interpretation.
Additional Requirements

• Length:Your paper will be 2-3 double-spaced pages of content, plus title and reference pages.

• Font:Times New Roman, 12 points.

• APA Format:Your title and reference pages must conform to APA format and style guidelines. The body of your paper does not need to conform to APA guidelines.Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written, without

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