Explain briefly based on the above assessment of how these ports are vulnerable for varied drug smuggling and what needs to be done to reduce the opportunities within the ports

Option 1: Application of theoretical concept(s) (crime opportunity theories)

The 2019 world drug report issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports that “…over half of significant seizures of cocaine (55%) over the period of 2013-2017 were related to trafficking at sea”. The surge in demand in North America and Europe — particularly for cocaine — drives the drug trade to new heights. Smugglers exploit legitimate supply chains to move record volumes of drugs.

A favorite route targets vessel that travel the South American and Asian shipping lanes and call at US and European ports. The last six months of 2019 saw record-setting drug seizures from vessels operated by major carriers. In June 2019, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other agencies seized nearly 20 tons of cocaine hidden in containers on a vessel of a major carrier. The seizure was alleged to represent the largest drug smuggling seizure in US history.

Using the concepts of risky facilities ( Eck, Clarke and Guerette, 2007 and also Clarek and Eck 2007) illustrate if the three ports in the US (listed below) are risky ports. If so in what ways; if not in what ways?. You should review the info on these ports (available on-line) and write an essay.

• In August 2019, authorities in Michoacan, Mexico seized 23,368 kgs of fentanyl stowed in a vessel at the port of Lazaro Cardenas.

• In the same week, the UK Border Force and the National Crime Agency (NCA) seized 1,279 kgs of heroin stowed on a vessel at the port of Felixstowe.

• In October 2019, CBP seized 2,133 lbs of cocaine in a vessel at the port of Savannah.

(source https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence.informa.com/LL1132202/Focus-on-shipping-in-fight-against-drug-smuggling) Write a report/essay (8 paragraphs-minimum 1,000 words and maximum 1,200 words) of your analysis of the vulnerable ports. Imagine that you are asked by the sea port authorities to provide an academic research based policy report. The essay must have a title that reflect the main focus of your report ( For example- An analysis of risky seaports for drug traffickings)

1. Introduction:

The purpose of this report and why it is import ant ( 150 words) 2. Description of the three ports and their vulnerabilities based on the risky facilities concept ( 400 words) You might want to provide a table comparing the characteristic features of the three ports based on the Clarke and Eck (2007)’s assessment of risky facilities on the following 7 features : Variations in Size, Hot products, Location, Repeat victimization,Crime attractors, Poor design and layout .Poor management

3. Discussion:

Explain briefly based on the above assessment of how these ports are vulnerable for varied drug smuggling and what needs to be done to reduce the opportunities within the ports (300 words)

4. Conclusion:

Describe the seaport authorities (domestic and international ) collaboration polices for intelligence, and investigation between the move of the drugs from supply and destination ports. (150 words)

References APA style- ( excludes word count) Clarke and Eck (2007):

htpt s://popcenterasu.edu/sites/default/files/rislry facilities.pdf Eck, Clarke and Guerette (2007): htpt s://ppcenterasu.edu/sites/default/files/tools/risky facilities/PDFs/Eck etal press.pdf

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