Write a report demonstrating an understanding of the EYFS/Key Stage 1, and consider how the early years’ environment provides a favourable environment in scaffolding the learning and development of all children.

Assessment Guidance

Instructions and title of the assignment:

Write a report demonstrating an understanding of the EYFS/Key Stage 1, and consider how the early years’ environment provides a favourable environment in scaffolding the learning and development of all children.

Looking at one of the EYFS areas of learning, plan an activity, which will meet the development and learning of all children’.

3,000 words (+/- 10%, so minimum of 2,700 and maximum of 3,300)

Learning Outcomes to be met:

L.O. 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the underpinning policy, and principles of the EYFS and Key Stage 1 curriculum nationally and internationally

L.O. 2: Examine and evaluate one aspect of the curricula in relation to children’s learning and development

L.O. 3: Examine the role of early years’ practitioners in providing a favourable environment and in scaffolding children’s learning development

Guidance for the Report
Use headings and sub-headings


State the aim and intentions within this report.
Introduce the activity you have planned and the age group it is intended for.
Introduce the structure that it will take, logically.

Principles and policies of the EYFS, National Curriculum Key Stage 1 and international perspectives

In this section show what you know about the EYFS statutory framework and the accompanying Development Matters
Explain a bit about the history of early year’s education in UK
What legislature underpins it, now and previously.
What is the plan in current consultation for changing it?
Introduce the themes, principles and practice from EYFS and say these will be illustrated and discussed further in the rest of the Report.

Also Core and Specific areas

Support from references from books and articles as well as legislation and policy documents is highly recommended

KS1 National Curriculum
What legislature underpins it?
Introduce the principles

Explain the practice, core and foundation subjects, programmes of study and attainment levels
*Support from references from books and articles as well as legislation and policy documents is highly recommended

International Early Years Curricula

Offer a brief, but critical, comparison with one or two international EY curricula. Perhaps Wales or Scotland? Sweden or Germany? Or somewhere further afield. What are the similarities and / or differences to EYFS?
*Support from references from books and articles as well as legislation and policy documents is highly recommended

Chosen area of EYFS curriculum for planned activity

Brief introduction into the planned activity. Link clearly to the EYFS Curriculum
You are expected to use the London Met activity planning sheet from SE4005 and this will sit in the appendix.

The planned activity

Explain in as much detail as possible all the considerations you took in order to be able to plan this activity.
*Remember to show how embedded the underlying philosophy of EYFS in this.
Use the EYFS themes to help you set it out (as sub-headings)
Unique child

Explain the importance of observing, assessing and planning (see 2012, p. 3)
Explain why this is important

Be mindful to discuss how the activity can be modified to meet specific learning or health or diversity needs

Does your activity ensure it encourages a sense of identity, culture, respect and value? Show how.
*Support from references from books and articles

Positive Relations

How may the practitioner scaffold learning and development when doing the planned activity?

How may the practitioner show responsiveness and sensitivity when supporting children with this activity?

Could you discuss some roles and strategies the practitioner may use to support the children with this activity? Such as sustained shared thinking?

Discuss the value of the key person approach and value of working in partnership with parents, based around your specific activity.
You may extend this section to discuss how a practitioner scaffolds and supports learning and development, within this area of learning.

*Support from references from books and articles

Enabling environment

Show how you decided on the resources (and the environment) to use for your activity

Explain how they are culturally appropriate, stimulating and playful (if they are and they should be!!)
Could you be creative in how (or where) the activity is set up?

You may extend this section to discuss how a practitioner can provide a favourable environment to support learning and development, within this area of learning.

This is a key aspect of the assignment

*Support from references from books and articles

Evaluating the learning and development from your activity
Here you evaluate the success of your planned activity
How do you think it would have gone if it had been implemented? Justify this

 Undertake the evaluation:

Summarise how all these themes and principles (especially the enabling environment and personal relationships- scaffolding the learning and development) may be put into practice and then enter a discussion regarding how all you planned shows the ‘characteristics of effective learning’, (see 2012, p. 4-7).

Be really specific in which aspects of the activity link to which characteristics of effective learning.

Offer examples (what you imagine would happen if you had chance to implement it)

*Support from references from books and articles


Finally conclude with a short reflection of your experience planning this activity. Is there anything you may change? What about planning it for a different age group?

Consider the points below:

What did you learn about the policies and procedures?

Did knowing about KS1 help? If so, how?

Did knowledge of international curricula influence the way you planned and conducted the activity?

What did you learn about the EYFS (2017) Statutory Framework and Development Matters?

Where the themes and principles useful? Why? Explain with particular regard to the enabling environment.

What did you learn about observing, assessing and planning cycle?

Finally, discuss how you expect this module will help you in your future practice as an Early Years professional.

*Support from references from books and articles

Reference List
All references must comply with the ECS Reference guidance

Activity Plan

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