Based on the current financial position and the strategic initiatives, determine how FBC should fund their future initiatives and funding. 

Federation of Black Canadian Analysis and Proposed Strategy


The objective of this project is to give students the chance to see how the concepts you learned from this course apply/are put into practice in real life. This group project relates to doing some research of certain concepts you may have learned in this course how that applies in practice. The written paper will be graded for quality analysis, presentation, organization of thought, understanding of context and originality of ideas.


The purpose of the corporation is to provide a benefit to the community by supporting and advancing the social, economic, and cultural interests of the Canadians of African descent. The corporation will provide public forums that allow the community to gather and support the economic growth of the Canadians of African descent.

Core Values:

The FBC requires all of its elected board members, membership holders, supporters and partners to adopt and demonstrate commitment to the following:

a. Caring in the overall well-being of all within our Canadian family mosaic
b. Respect for the diversity of viewpoints within our Canadian family mosaic
c. Integrity in the way we treat others within our Canadian family mosaic
d. Responsibility in the way we equitably serve all Canadians within our family mosaic
e. Inclusiveness and openness in the way we embrace all within our Canadian family mosaic

Refer to the FBC By law website that outlines the board structure and responsibility. Also, find the attached relevant documents that helps you for this project. These polices serve as the basic guideline in the management of the current operations.

The FBC website ( outlines a list of current initiatives:

• FBC is chosen as one of 85 organizations across Canada to receive Federal support through the “Anti Racism Action Program Funding” to work on a 2-year project to combat all forms of racism while addressing barriers to employment, justice, and social participation among racialized communities.

Their project entitled “The Black Pulse” will focus on promoting diversity and inclusion, countering online hate, and creating a national digital engagement campaign and educational tools to promote Black Canadian History across Canada. The goal is to combat anti- black racism, engage allies, and inspire youth to become citically engaged. This project will be mainly driven by their National Youth Council.

• The Resiliency Through Covid19 project:

Using Race Based Data to Create Intervention through a Health Equity Lens project – FBC has partnered with a consultant group on The Resiliency Through Covid19 Project to conduct a national scale research study that seeks to understand how Black and other racialized communities are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 due to raced based factors and to look at ways create interventions through a “health equity lens”

The main objectives of this project are:

*Provide a better public understanding of how Black, Indigenous and People of Colour are affected by COVID-19, through providing increased community awareness, information and education related to COVID-19.
* Inform current and future services and programming relating to the health and well-bring of Black Canadians.
* Create a national, Black, data infrastructure that collects, stores and manages data about the lives and experiences of Black Canadians.

Project Description:

You have recently joined FBC as their VP of Finance. The President of FBC has asked you to prepare a report regarding the following to the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting. In discussing with the President, you have summarized the requirement of the report as follows:

1. Situational Analysis (a quick overview of the company, the stakeholders and the environment, etc.) You should review the SWOT analysis performed by the company (Attached) and critique if they are valid. You should adopt at least one or two other tools (PESTEL) to assess their current environment and challenges.

2. Identify key objectives and critique on the effectiveness of the current strategies You need to assess if the current mission, vison and core values defined by the company truly reflect who they are and what their long term goals are. You should review their current strategies and initiatives including the Youth program and the Colours of COVID to ensure that they do meet company goals, etc. The President would also like you to define key success factors or any constraints you think exist in their environment.

3. Identify company risk and evaluate the effectiveness of the company mitigating these risk. You should use the ERM approach discussed in class and provide recommendation what needs to be done in this area.

4. If applicable, review the corporate sustainability strategies, practices and reporting to determine if they are effective. Identify any opportunities for improvement and review why adopting such a strategy will support its current goal. One of their mandates is to promote equity, diversity and inclusion via their many initiatives and funding they have received, You need to review if they have met their goal and make recommendation what else they can do to create such as culture within the organization and promote within the community they serve.

5. Review the corporate governance and ethical practices from FBC and assess its effectiveness. Compare other related non profit organization in the same industry and identify any opportunities for improvement. Please make a reference to their current set up as posted in Quercus. You need to review this not just from Toronto perspective but review this across Canada.

6. Review and critique the company’s performance measurement system and assess if these measurements are in line with the strategies discussed earlier.

Proposed Strategy

1. Based on the situational analysis completed above, you should review their current strategic initiatives and focus. Make a recommendation what are the key strategic initiatives FBC should focus in the next 5 years.

2. Based on the current financial position and the strategic initiatives, determine how FBC should fund their future initiatives and funding.

3. Derive a sound marketing plan how FBC can promote their organization and initiatives across Canada, especially in the area of equity, diversity and inclusion.

4. Discuss if technology plays a key role in this business. If so, how would this fit into their long term strategy. Provide a recommendation what they need to do strategically in this area.

5. Review any major capital investment (if any) they should consider and justify your proposal both financially and strategically.

6. Review any partnership opportunities they should consider in collaborating their initiatives both internally and externally. The final report should in the form of a 5 year Business Plan and addressed to the Board of Directors. Students are expected to conduct a fair amount of research to support the discussion in the report. Based on your recommendation, the report should include detailed implementation plan.

The formality of the report is listed below to ensure consistency:

1. Font: Times New Roman
2. Font Size: 12
3. Line Spacing: 1.5 spacing for sections written in point form (point form is defined as using bullet points that are 1.27 cm or 0.5 inches from the 2.54cm or 1.00 inch margins of the page and the use of headings on a separate line to identify different sections of the answer).
4. Character Spacing: Normal
5. Margins: 2.54cm or 1.00 inch around the entire page
6. Length: 20 pages
7. Footer: Must include the page number at a minimum

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