Your Manager has given you the survey results from the last 3 years,prepare an “Individual Business Report” summarising the data used, methods of analysis, key findings (both verbally and using graphs), key conclusions and subsequent recommendations for development of a future event based upon the survey data.

Coursework Assessment Brief

Module Code: UMCDN4-15-1
Module Title: Business Decision Making for Marketing and Events
Submission Deadline:

Assessment Component: B – The Business Report
Assessment Weighting: 50 per cent of total module mark
Marking and feedback deadline (20 working days):
N.B. all times are 24-hour clock, current local time (at time of submission) in the UK

Assessment Instructions


The aim of this assignment is to develop your skills for evidence-based decision making, using a data set typical of those you will encounter in a future job role by preparing an “Individual Business Report” typical of the kind that managers produce to justify their requests for budget and other resources.


For 2020-21, the topic of this Business Report is ‘Evaluating the Social Media for Marketers Conference and providing recommendations for the next conference’.

In this case, you are employed by a Digital Marketing Agency that runs a small conference each year for around 150 people.

The conference is intended to position the agency as thought leaders in social media for marketing, to develop their connections with influencers in the industry (by inviting them as speakers) and to increase the number of organisations seeking their services.

A survey is carried out each year after the conference to evaluate the value that attendees found in the conference, its various sessions, and whether attendees would recommend the conference to other people (Net Promoter Score).


Your Manager has given you the survey results from the last 3 years and tasked you to prepare an “Individual Business Report” summarising the data used, methods of analysis, key findings (both verbally and using graphs), key conclusions and subsequent recommendations for development of a future event based upon the survey data.

Your manager has informed you that the Report will be used by the Board of Directors to make decisions about next year’s conference.

The recommended structure of this report is:

Title (not included in word count)
Executive summary (c.100 words) – see final business tutorial for how to write this
Contents list (not included in word count)
Figures list (see (not included in word count)
Introduction (c.200 words) – the purpose of the report/ background information.
Methods (c.250 words) – the analysis methods you used on the data including key ethical issues relating to how the data was stored, processed and analysed.
Results (c.200 words) – key findings from your analysis, including graphs
Discussion (c.250 words) – your conclusions from your analysis
Recommendations for the next conference and any future research (c.200 words) – i.e. any recommendations for the format and content of the next conference and any changes to the questionnaire,
References (not included in word count)
No appendix is required

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