Using academic literature and practical examples, critically examine the usefulness of leader-member exchange theory in explaining productive leader-follower relationships.

Leading Strategic Decision Making

Assignment instructions

Write an essay on the following topic.

Essay Topic:

Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory suggests that supervisors have relatively high-quality exchange relationships with some employees and relatively low-quality relationships with others. Using academic literature and practical examples, critically examine the usefulness of leader-member exchange theory in explaining productive leader-follower relationships.

Marking schedule:

10% of marks are allocated to the presentation of the essay. The student’s work should be typed with clear use of paragraphs and headings. Typographical and spelling errors should be avoided.

10% of marks are allocated to appropriate referencing of content. Students should familiarise themselves and make use of the APA referencing system and should cite and reference material properly. Students should make use of a range of resources (books, journal articles etc) and the literature used should be appropriate to the arguments made.

60% of marks are allocated to the analysis presented in the essay. Students should examine appropriate theoretical concepts and frameworks. Students should demonstrate an awareness of the wider context and present an in-depth discussion of current issues. Better students will demonstrate critical analysis skills and communicate their arguments in a clear and coherent manner.

20% of marks are allocated to the conclusions drawn. The conclusions should identify the key themes or issues under consideration. Conclusions should be well supported from the analysis and highlight the significance of arguments, evidence and insights

Guidance Notes :

You must refer to relevant literature throughout the essay. This can be in the form of textbooks, journal articles, or relevant web-based material. Student are directed in particular to the following databases which they may find useful in developing their essay:

· ABI Inform Complete (Proquest)

· Ingenta

· Science Direct

· Sage Online

In particular, the following journals may be helpful to you in relation to the prescribed topic:

· Leadership Quarterly (Available on Science Direct)

· Leadership and Organisation Development Journal (Available on ABI Inform)

· Team Performance Management (Available on ABI Inform)

· Journal of Management Development (Available on ABI Inform)

· Group and Organisation Management (Available on Sage Online)


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