Analyse your organisation’s business strategy and identify the key HR and people challenges that need to be addressed to support the organisation to achieve its strategic objectives.

Task (3,500 – 4,000 words)

Analyse your organisation’s business strategy and identify the key HR and people challenges that need to be addressed to support the organisation to achieve its strategic objectives.

What needs to change for HR to be more strategic and effective in supporting the business to achieve its objectives? Provide key recommendations that you could present to your organisation’s executive team and consider the challenges of implementing these recommendations.

You should use research and best practice to support your findings.
AHRI Practising Certification Program

Report requirements
Report structure
While it is accepted that there will be some variation in the contents of the body of
the report, it is expected that your report will adhere to the following format:
(a) Title
(b) Table of contents
(c) Executive summary
(d) Main body of the report – introduction, body, conclusion, recommendations
(e) Reference list (a minimum of 8 references is required)
(f) Appendices
Note: Items c and d above are the only two items included in the word count for this assessment task.

Report writing support

If you require further support or clarification regarding the report writing
requirements, refer to the following:

Assessment Guidelines

Word limit You should include a word count of your assessment submission (see assessment task cover sheet).

If your submission exceeds the word range for the assessment task it will not be assessed by the assessor. You will be required to resubmit your assessment task within the defined word range within 48 hours.

Referencing Include intext references and a reference list as part of your
assessment task response.

Use Harvard style referencing (Note: Further information about this type of referencing is provided in the APC Program Student Handbook).

There is an expectation that the assessment task response will include a minimum of 8 references (Note: This may be a combination of academic references [i.e. peer reviewed material] and non-academic references [e.g. industry reports and data, internal business reports and data, newspaper articles, website information etc.]).

Referencing refers to:

“the acknowledgement of various sources (a ‘source’ is the place where you originally obtained the information – the ‘source’ of
the information) you have used in preparing your written assignments. It means acknowledging the authority of an author
or proof or evidence in support of your argument.

… end-text referencing refers to a reference list… a complete list of all the sources you have cited in your assignment and is always
placed at the end of an assignment… A reference list should provide complete publication information concerning each source, including the names of the authors, year of publication, title of the text or journal, and details about the publication.”
(Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University 2012, p. 69)

You must reference when:

▪ you quote an author’s exact words
▪ copy data, tables, figures, diagrams, or pictures from a source
▪ summarise or paraphrase information from a source in your
own words.


The assessment task is designed to explore a real HR issue or challenge faced by an organisation. It needs to explore the current issues in terms of what is working well, a diagnosis of the problems  that need to be addressed, why problems have arisen, and how they can be resolved.

You also need to examine the connection between theory and practice, and are advised to research additional relevant
journal articles and papers as well as the prescribed textbooks.

Formatting Maximum 1.5 line spacing and minimum font size of 10pt.

The assessment cover sheet for the assessment task must be submitted as the first page of the assessment submission.

Your name, the unit title and assignment task number must be included as a header on each page of the assessment submission.

(Note: this information is not included in the word count for the assessment task.)

Each page of your assessment tasks submission must be numbered.

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