Reflect on the circular nature of nostalgia, namely on recurring waves of nostalgic pat-terns that develop at the end of a certain time period and their impact on society.

Timelines of nostalgia: an analysis of recurring pat-terns of memory in Italian media and cinema from the 1930s to the 2010s

Reflect on the circular nature of nostalgia, namely on recurring waves of nostalgic pat-terns that develop at the end of a certain time period and their impact on society.

For the purpose of the research Italy and the Italian population will be taken into consideration, delving into the manifestation of nostalgic behaviors in Italians from the 1930s to the 2010s.

The influence of nostalgia on societal structures will be analyzed in relation to media and cinema. For the media aspect, an Italian television program, Techetechete’ will serve as a proof for the inborn relationship between the Italian audience and nostalgic forms of television media.

Nostalgia in cinema instead, will be explored through Amarcord, a 1973 film by Federico Fellini that not only reflects the imagery of the 1930s (the year in which it is set) but also evokes nostalgic feelings by heavily relying on 1970s popular culture.

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