Select two variables from the dataset; introduce the two variables and their measures; explain which variable is your independent variable and which one is your dependent variable (10%)

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the relationship between two variables and examine the existence and strength of relationship between them. The paper should be written in an essay style. Crosstabulation and measure of association methods should be used for data collection.
There are two options for selecting your variables:
▪ Conduct a bivariate analysis for nominal variables. If you decide to work on this, select one nominal variable and one variable at any other level from the dataset and examine their measure of association (lecture 6 will help writing this assignment). If you are interested in testing the relationship between a nominal variable and a variable at any other level, you are not required to explain the direction of relationship between them. Focus only on the existence and strength of relationship.
▪ Conduct a bivariate analysis for ordinal variables. If you decide to work on this, select two ordinal variables from the dataset and examine their measure of association (lecture 7 will help writing this assignment). If you are interested in testing the relationship between two ordinal variables, you are required to explain the direction of relationship besides the existence and strength of relationship.
1. Select two variables from the dataset; introduce the two variables and their measures; explain which variable is your independent variable and which one is your dependent variable (10%)
2. Develop a research question, a H0 for the absence of a possible relationship between the two variables and a H1 on the likelihood relationship between the two variables (10%)
3. Conduct a bivariate analysis of the two variables by using SPSS: crosstabulation and copy and paste the “case processing summary,” the “contingency table” and “systematic measures” outputs in your paper (20%)
4. Interpret the case processing summery about your data, the contingency table on the existence of relationship between the two variables. The interpretation should include a general understanding of what the table and the patterns present on the relationship, and a discussion on details of the observations (25%)
5. Interpret the “systematic measures” output: select the relevant measure of association for your variables and explain the strength of relationship between the two variables, the direction of relationship (positive or negative and what it means). Also explain the statistical significance of the finding (25%)
6. In conclusion, explain how did you reject the H0 and how the result supports your H1. In this part, also report the main finding about the relationship between the two variables (10%)

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