Select one type of drug therapy (antipsychotic, antidepressant, or antianxiety) and address the following, using headings to match content in each bullet point in your discussion: Specific symptoms and their intensity that would indicate a consultation may be appropriate.

Drug Therapies

Psychopharmacology is the field of study focused on the use of medications to impact neurological functioning and behaviors. Psychotropic medications, used in consultation with medical professionals, are tools to address the symptoms of major psychiatric disorders. As you learned in your assigned reading from the text in this unit, there are many classes and types of drugs used by medical professionals.

Select one type of drug therapy (antipsychotic, antidepressant, or antianxiety) and address the following, using headings to match content in each bullet point in your discussion:

Specific symptoms and their intensity that would indicate a consultation may be appropriate.
Side effects that may interfere with taking medications as directed.
Potential benefits a partner or family member may notice.

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