In your Rapid Review, analyze and explain the pharmacological aspects of the drug as they relate to the following:Explain these aspects of the drug in terms of the psychiatric disorders indicated for the drug and the issue(s) associated with that use.



Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest to you, but not one you will review as part of your Critical Review. For this paper, you may choose drugs of abuse; however, the paper must focus on the pharmacology of the drug and not on the social or addictive aspects. If you focus on addiction and social impact, your paper will not receive credit.
Research a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles published within the last five years on your selected drug. Prepare a three-page summary of the drug using the PSY630 Rapid Review Example paper (Links to an external site.) as a guide.

In your Rapid Review, analyze and explain the pharmacological aspects of the drug as they relate to the following:
Neurotransmitters and receptors affected
Route of administration
Half-life, doses, side effects, drug interactions, contraindications, and other important facets of the drug.
Explain these aspects of the drug in terms of the psychiatric disorders indicated for the drug and the issue(s) associated with that use.

APA format with references

The headers for paper:
Headers to consider using when addressing the pharmacological aspects of the drug as listed above:
General Description
Mechanism of Action
Dosage, Administration, Absorption, and Metabolism
Side Effects and Contraindications

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