Personality is what living beings have. “Character” on the other hand is what people in novels have. The biggest ideological presupposition that novel readers are encouraged to make is to think that characters in novels have personalities.’ Consider the means by which any two novels encourage such a presupposition.

Personality is what living beings have. “Character” on the other hand is what people in novels have. The biggest ideological presupposition that novel readers are encouraged to make is to think that characters in novels have personalities.’ Consider the means by which any two novels encourage such a presupposition.


Two novels are:

Daniel Defoe’s ‘Moll Flanders’ and Muriel Spark’s ‘The Prime of Jean Brodie’.

By the end of the module, you should be able to:

-Discuss and evaluate debates about the development and nature of the novel from its beginnings to the present day

-Recognise the complexity of the relationship between the formal and thematic concerns of particular novels and their historical contexts

-Show understanding of how individual novelists employ specific techniques in order to serve their particular narrative strategies

-Compare how different novelists have used the novel to address recurrent thematic concerns and exploited the possibilities of the form in different ways.


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