Based on Lipman-Blumen’s psychological factors that contribute to harmful leadership, explain why those who could have reported Sandusky’s behaviours chose not to do so.

WEEK 1 Discussion – Real-Life Leaders

You have learned about the trait, behavioural and contingency approaches to the study of leadership. It is important to consider and apply this knowledge to your individual real-world context and to share your understanding with the rest of the group.

There are over 300 students on this module so, for the discussions that occur throughout the module, we have split the cohort into groups of up to 20 people. You will work with the same group throughout the module.

As this is the first week of the module, in this discussion, you will first introduce yourself to your group and share an example of a real-life leader. Then, you will share your thoughts on the different leaders selected by your classmates.

You will need to revisit each discussion several times during each week, to read and respond to new posts. The easiest way to do this is by clicking the ‘Discussions’ link in the side bar, then scrolling through the list of discussions to find the one you want.

Part 1:
Add a reply to this discussion and:

Introduce yourself to the class by sharing your name and job role (if appropriate), a leadership trait you think you have, and a trait you admire in others.
Share an image of a leader in your community or nation and answer the following:
Who have you chosen and why?
What leadership traits and behaviours do they demonstrate?
How flexible are they in their behavioural style?

Part 2:
Read everyone’s posts and respond to two other students by Sunday, 23:59 (UK time) of this week.
You may consider:
To what extent does this leader meet your criteria for an effective leader? Why/why not?
Is there any evidence that different cultures/countries value different leadership traits?
You can continue to add points to the discussion over the coming weeks, which you may wish to do as you progress through the module and are introduced to new perspectives.

Discussion – Many Managers, Different Styles

This week, you have learned about the three main established leadership styles and their underpinning leadership philosophies. It is important to consider and apply this knowledge to a real-world context and to share your understanding with the rest of the class. In this discussion, you will share your understanding of leadership philosophy and styles and then reply to two classmates, offering them feedback on their answers.
You will need to revisit the discussion several times during the week, to read and respond to new posts. The easiest way to do this is by clicking the ‘Discussions’ link in the side bar, then scrolling through the list of discussions to find the one you want.
Part 1:
Read the case-study ‘Many managers, different styles’ (Northouse, 2018: 97-98), add a reply to the discussion and answer the following:

Based on the assumptions of Theory X and Theory Y, how would you describe each manager’s philosophy and style of leadership? In what ways do their attitudes about Vanessa affect their leadership?
In this type of customer service setting, which leadership style would be most effective for the bank to meet its goals? From the bank’s perspective, which (if any) manager exhibits the most appropriate leadership?
What advice would you give to each of the managers to enhance their leadership skills within the bank?
What do you think Vanessa can do to prepare herself for her 3-month review?
Please try to make your first post by Thursday, 23:59 (UK time) to enable other students to respond.
Part 2:
Read everyone’s posts and respond to two other students by Sunday, 23:59 (UK time) of this week.
You may consider:
To what extent do you agree with their assessment of each manager and their advice to Vanessa?
Have you any personal experiences (either as a manager or employee) which may give you a different perspective on the situation described in the case-study?
You can continue to add points to the discussion over the coming weeks, which you may wish to do as you progress through the module and are introduced to new perspectives.

Discussion – Re-examining a Proposal

This week, you have learned about what it means to be an ethical leader. It is important to consider and apply this knowledge to a real-world context and to share your understanding with the rest of the class. In this discussion, you will share your understanding of ethical theories of leadership and then reply to two classmates, offering them feedback on their answers.
You will need to revisit the discussion several times during the week, to read and respond to new posts. The easiest way to do this is by clicking the ‘Discussions’ link in the side bar, then scrolling through the list of discussions to find the one you want.
Part 1:
Read the case-study ‘Re-examining a Proposal’ (Northouse, 2021: 445-456), add a reply and answer the following:

What role should ethics play in the writing of a proposal such as this? Did the PEO do the ethical thing for David? How much money should the PEO have tried to make? What would you have done if you were part of management at the PEO?
From a deontological (duty) perspective and a teleological (consequences) perspective, how would you describe the ethics of the PEO?
Based on what the PEO did for David, how would you evaluate the PEO on the ethical principles of respect, service, justice, honesty, and community (discussed in the reading)?
How would you assess the ethics of the PEO if you were David? If you were among the PEO management? If you were the salesperson? If you were a member of the printing community?
Please try to make your first post by Thursday, 23:59 (UK time) to enable other students to respond.
Part 2:
Read everyone’s posts and respond to two other students by Sunday, 23:59 (UK time) of this week.
You may consider:
To what extent do you agree with their assessments of the ethics of the PEO? Do they confirm your thoughts and feelings? Do they challenge your thinking in any way? If so, how?
Have you any personal experiences which may give you a different perspective on the situation described in the case-study?
You can continue to add points to the discussion over the coming weeks, which you may wish to do as you progress through the module and are introduced to new perspectives.

Discussion – Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal

This week, you have learned about the role of followers in the leadership process. It is important to consider and apply this knowledge to a real-world context and to share your understanding with the rest of the class. In this discussion, you will share your understanding of the principles of followership and then reply to two classmates, offering them feedback on their answers.
You will need to revisit the discussion several times during the week, to read and respond to new posts. The easiest way to do this is by clicking the ‘Discussions’ link in the side bar, then scrolling through the list of discussions to find the one you want.
Part 1:
Read the case-study ‘Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal’ (Northouse 2021: 383-386), add a reply to the discussion and answer the following:

How would you describe the followership at Penn State? Who would you identify as the followers? Who are the leaders?
Using the typologies discussed in the reading, how would you describe the follower styles for Schultz and Curley? What about McQueary?
How did followers in this case act in ways that contribute to the power of destructive leaders and their goals? What was the debilitating impact their actions had on the organisation?

Based on Lipman-Blumen’s psychological factors that contribute to harmful leadership, explain why those who could have reported Sandusky’s behaviours chose not to do so.

Based on the outcome, where did Paterno’s intentions go wrong? What ways could followers have changed the moral climate at Penn State?

In the end, who carries the burden of responsibility for what happened at Penn State: the leaders or the followers? Defend your answer.

Discussion – A Challenging Workplace

This week, you have learned about the effects of culture on the leadership process. It is important to consider and apply this knowledge to a real-world context and to share your understanding with the rest of the class. In this discussion, you will share your understanding of a culturally challenging leadership situation and then reply to two classmates, offering them feedback on their answers.

You will need to revisit the discussion several times during the week, to read and respond to new posts. The easiest way to do this is by clicking the ‘Discussions’ link in the side bar, then scrolling through the list of discussions to find the one you want.

Part 1:

Read the case-study ‘A Challenging Workplace’ (Northouse 2019: 457-458), add a reply and answer the following:

What similarities and differences can you identify between North American and Japanese working styles?
In what way did this company reflect the characteristics of other Confucian Asian countries?
Why do you think that Samira was not seen as a team player?
What universally desirable leadership attributes did Samira exhibit?
What other suggestions would you have for Samira in this situation?

Part 2:

Read everyone’s posts and respond to two other students by Sunday, 23:59 (UK time) of this week.
You may consider:

To what extent do you agree with their assessment of Samira and their suggestions for how she could improve her performance? Do they confirm your thoughts and feelings? Do they challenge your thinking in any way? If so, how?

Have you any personal experiences which may give you a different perspective on the situation described in the case-study?

You can continue to add points to the discussion over the coming weeks, which you may wish to do as you progress through the module and are introduced to new perspectives.

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