Write a 15- 20 page paper explaining the key theological concepts of Voodooism, how these theological concepts are similar to and differ from that of Christianity and finally how the Voodoo faith impacts the US today.

World Religions

a. Specific purpose(s) or objective(s):
● Explain Voodooism theological standpoint in the 21st Century. I will explain how Voodooism has impacted the 21st Century.
● Students will explain the impact of the Voodoo faith in America today.
●Compare and contrast Voodooism faith to Christianity.
● Explain the misconceptions of Voodooism.
● Explain the collaboration of Catholicism and African – Faith. b. Learning activities:
● Research through the library and to collect a bank of valuable information to include in their writing.
● Llisten to lectures that relate to the core understanding of the topic to be able to include in their research paper by utilizing online youtube video content to support the text.
c. Evaluation:
● Write a 15- 20 page paper explaining the key theological concepts of Voodooism, how these theological concepts are similar to and differ from that of Christianity and finally how the Voodoo faith impacts the US today.

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