Identify a problem that stems from the media, or you will Identify a problem that can be addressed by the media.

Instructions:You are supposed to write a 7-8 page proposal about a topic you chose.

For this essay, you will identify a problem that stems from the media, or you will identify a problem that can be addressed by the media. You will craft your proposal argument for a specific audience, hoping to enact change (or keep some action from taking place).

For example, let’s say you find that women’s needs are underrepresented in ads for electronics. You might address Verizon and explain how they might cater their ads to women’s interests. Or perhaps you see that girls are negatively affected by the media and you think a media literacy class would help boys middle schoolers better cope with the media images they see every day.

You could address your course proposal to the school or school board. Note: your thesis for this essay will be located between the introduction/background and your solution details. Your thesis will contain ACTOR + ACTION + GOAL. ACTOR = Who you’re suggesting take action; ACTION = specific action you want them to take; GOAL = intended result. See sample essays for examples of strong thesis statements and appropriate placement.

Formal Requirements 8+ pages in length MLA formatting and citations Works Cited page 6+ strong sources – at least 2 of which must be academic/scholarly (peer reviewed)

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