Identify the country whose health care system received the highest overall rating in this dimension in the article.Describe the reasons for achieving this ranking (minimum 3 substantive sentences)

Health Care Paper

Useful Resources:
APA Citation Guide download
Health Care Reform Resources

Department of Health & Human Services (Links to an external site.) – Use the tabs on the left under About the ACA to explore different components

Kaiser Family Foundation (Links to an external site.)

Biden’s Changes to the Affordable Care Act (Links to an external site.) – Beware that many online resources sources have NOT updated their information to reflect all the changes that have happened to the Affordable Care Act.  This article does a good job of including updates.

The purpose of this assignment is to understand how international health care systems compare to the United States.  Students will also explore the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and predict how it will affect America’s system of health care delivery.  Follow the instructions below to fulfill all stated requirements.

Technical Requirements:

900-1300 words (does not include in-text citations or reference page)
Double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1” margins, essay format
Less than 20% of the word count should be direct quotes
Submit to the correct link in Assignments. This uploads your paper to TurnItIn, a plagiarism detection device.  See plagiarism information under Institutional Policies.
Correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.
Use APA referencing style (see guide in Canvas). You do not need to include APA formatting (for example, title page, running head, or abstract)

All information must be from reputable, reliable, and unbiased academic sources. See Canvas for a list of good sources.
Example of a website that lacks reliability – Wikipedia
Example of a biased website – Heritage Foundation

Content Requirements:

Introduction paragraph (minimum 4 sentences) – Last sentence is a thesis sentence
Briefly introduce the topic

The last sentence of this paragraph should be your thesis statement. A thesis statement clearly states what your paper will cover and gives an overview of the points you will make.

Dimensions of Health Care paragraph

Click here for the international comparison of health systems article posted in Canvas to complete this section of the paper (Links to an external site.).

In 1-2 sentences for each dimension, define all 5 dimensions (care process, access, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes) that are used to evaluate the health care systems of each country.

Define each dimension of health care. Do not describe how each dimension relates to the U.S. or other countries at this time.
Be sure to summarize this information into your own words to avoid plagiarism.

This information can be found in the How We Measured Performance section near the bottom of the full report.
Keep this section as concise as possible to avoid exceeding the maximum word count of 1300 for this assignment

Rank Comparison of Health Care Systems paragraph

Identify 1 dimension you think is the most important to health care and explain why it is most important to you (minimum 2 substantive sentences).

Identify the country whose health care system received the highest overall rating in this dimension in the article.

Describe the reasons for achieving this ranking (minimum 3 substantive sentences)

Identify the country whose health care system received the lowest overall rating in this dimension in the article.

Describe the reasons for achieving this ranking (minimum 3 substantive sentences)

This paragraph will require additional research to find this information. Be sure to use reliable, unbiased sources in this discussion and include appropriate citations using APA referencing.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) paragraph(s)

Section overview: The PPACA encompasses many components addressing health care in the U.S. You will start by describing 2 specific components of the law. In your research, you will find that some components of the PPACA have been changed since it was signed into law in 2010.  Research and report if the parts you describe have changed, and what their impact has had on our healthcare system.

Component 1 paragraph – Identify and describe a main component of the PPACA. Main components include specific aspects of the policy.  For example, allowing children to stay on their parents’ health insurance until 26 years old.

Describe this specific component (minimum of 2 substantive sentences)
Identify if and how this component has changed since the PPACA became law (1 sentence)
Provide data/statistics/numbers describing the impact this component has had on our healthcare system (minimum of 1 substantive sentence)

Component 2 paragraph – Identify and describe another main component of the PPACA.

Describe this specific component (minimum of 2 substantive sentences)
Identify if and how this component has changed since the PPACA became law (1 sentence)
Provide data/statistics/numbers describing the impact this component has had on our healthcare system (minimum of 1 substantive sentence)

Conclusion paragraph (minimum 4 sentences)
Now that you have researched health care in the U.S. and abroad, you have the opportunity to share your viewpoint of U.S. health care. The goal of this paragraph is to describe your opinion of the current direction of health care reform in the U.S. (Students are expected to use first person in this paragraph).
Some possible discussions in this paragraph could include:
Ways the PPACA affects the U.S. health care system
Ways you have personally been affected by changes in health care since the implementation of the PPACA
What you specifically like/dislike about the PPACA

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