Review the supporting data presented. Examine the logic underpinning the author’s conclusions. Seek out similarities and differences between what is being reviewed and, perhaps, what has been written by other scholars or writers.

One Reading Critique on Wilcox book, Leading Through Culture.

A written critique includes a minimum of four basic elements:

1.Proper identification of the material read.

2.An abstract of the major ideas, points of view, postulates, and contentions of the author.

3.Critical evaluation of these ideas, viewpoints, and contentions.

4.An analysis of the implications of the reading to a particular field of interest.
The first task is to identify the major ideas or contentions of the author. Try to determine the author’s justification for his viewpoint.

Review the supporting data presented. Examine the logic underpinning the author’s conclusions. Seek out similarities and differences between what is being reviewed and, perhaps, what has been written by other scholars or writers.

When writing a critique, develop your own most effective style. The abstract should be brief (it is not a review) but incisive, e.g., an effort to single out the key hypotheses or major contentions of the author.

A suggested outline for a critique would be:

1.Abstract of major ideas.

2.Critical evaluation of major idea

3.The relationship of conclusions to content. Substantiation of ideas by good logic and adequacy of supporting arguments and reasoning.

4.Summary and conclusions.

IMPORTANT: There are two important points to keep in mind on this assignment.

First that students gain credit when referencing (citing) the assigned text in this and other written assignments. Demonstrate that you have read the chapter by citing it when making points and observations.

Articles that are cited in the Reading Critique, Chapter or Article Summaries, need to appear at the end of the paper in a references list (with the heading “References” followed by source entries). See the Publication Manual for the general format for journal articles or books.

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