Describe the story, character and appearance of this place/building. Highlight significant changes in the building/place in its history, or explain how this place signifies/represents a particular heritage value, do this by analysing the architecture, highlighting the features that convey such value. Use relevant images to assist.

Elizabeth Bay house

Word limit 1500 words (maximum)
Assessment Overview

For this assignment, you are asked to write a short report on a building/ place of your choice from the perspective of any of the 11 topics covered this study period. You can choose to develop the same topic discussed in the previous assessments or choose a different one. If you do choose to continue with the same topic as assessment 1 & 2, you will need to select a different architectural example to research and review for the report.

Note that not all suggested readings listed under the topics below are available online. These are presented as options
to start your research. Before choosing your topic, be sure that you have access to adequate resources.

The scope of this last assessment is to work on your research skills as well as your critical thinking. The scope of the report is to understand the building/place chosen and its journey, as well as learn how to produce an academic report on a building/place.

Assessment description

Select local (to you) heritage building/place and experience them firsthand (if possible).

The report must be no more than 1500 words. It needs to be structure as follow:

Physical Description (max 300w)

• name of building/place
• location and boundaries
• architect/designer (if applicable);
• physical condition: This should include, for example, the age, phases of development, layout, appearance, the significance of particular features or characteristics, materials and construction etc.

History (max 600w)

Describe the story, character and appearance of this place/building. Highlight significant changes in the building/place in its history, or explain how this place signifies/represents a particular heritage value, do this by analysing the architecture, highlighting the features that convey such value. Use relevant images to

Significance (max 400 words)

Identify why the building is significant and explain how the value of this building/place is to be conserved or preferably enhanced. As you have discovered during this study period, building/place value can take many forms; it may be an evidential element or perhaps a link to a historical figure/fact or relate to personal or cultural significance. Use your chosen topic to guide your discussion.

Conclusion (max 200words).

All source material MUST be acknowledged, and any form of plagiarism will result in the appropriate
measures being taken. Do not copy other student’s work or assist by showing your work to others.
Assessments must be submitted online through the correct TURNITIN drop-box on Blackboard (not
through email or in-person). Late submissions will be penalised as per the Curtin Late Assessment Policy in
the Unit Outline.
This project assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes:
3. Recognise the relationship between identity and heritage in national and local architecture
4. Critically evaluate the issues and problems surrounding heritage and conservation
You will be marked on:
• Understanding and interpretation of relationship between identity and heritage in relation to
chosen topic (20%)
• Level of critical analysis and evaluation of issues and problems surrounding heritage and
conservation of selected building/ place (20%)
• Appropriateness of building/ place chosen in relation to topic discussed (10%)
• Logical development of discussion surrounding historical overview/ significance and use of
supporting evidence (referencing) and relevance of facts (20%)
• Quality of research sources and diversity of references used in-text and in reference list (15%)
• Quality of report structure and writing (15%)
For further assessment details and marking criteria please refer to the Unit Outline and marking
rubric for this assessment.

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