Based on the type of organization that committed the breach, select another local organization for which the possible violation is possible. Identify the organization and include a recommendation that they should implement to avoid breach of client/patient data by their employees.

Information Techology-Impact on healthcare & patient privacy



A. Information Technology Impact on Health Care Systems.

Provide an analysis of the following two Acts and their impact on healthcare systems:

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

The Title II Administrative Simplification Act.

Your analysis should include the above items and include a description of each, as well as their impact on health information systems and protection of patient privacy.

B. Go to the HIPAA Journal website (Links to an external site.)

There you will find data breach cases posted by month and day.

Select a data breach case:

Based on your month of birth, select a data breach case from the HIPAA Journal website. In your description of the data breach, include the following information:

Organization and location

Type of service(s) provided by the organization

Type of breach (which section of the HIPAA law was violated)

Time period over which breach occurred

Number of and type of clients impacted

Recommendation actions to resolve the case, including any fines or penalties

Conclusion: Based on the type of organization that committed the breach, select another local organization for which the possible violation is possible. Identify the organization and include a recommendation that they should implement to avoid breach of client/patient data by their employees.

For example: In August 2018, the New Mexico Department of Health experienced a breach of PHI when medical records in transit to a storage facility fell from a truck and were found on the streets. If you worked at the Duval County Health Department as a case manager, this case can be used as lesson learned for the risk management department to re-examine the security and securing of medical records by its contract company that transports medical records.

Note: The conclusion should tie together Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the assignment.


Your paper must be 1000–1200 words.

Include the word count at the bottom of the paper.

Use APA format and cite sources, as necessary. If you need a refresher on APA, reference the APA Library Guide (located in Student Resources in the Course Orientation).Make sure that your paper is not plagiarized and includes all the appropriate citations and references.

Use Times Roman – 12-point font.

Use double space.

Use professional objective, language.

The assignment must include:

Cover Page

Introduction (one paragraph)

Content of Assignment

Reference Page

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