Describe and explain the role of empathy and the group-based emotion of collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes toward Indigenous Australians.

Assessment item  – Essay
Length: 2000 words

This assessment is a 2000 word essay. You are required to describe and explain the role of empathy and the group-based emotion of collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes toward Indigenous Australians. In your answer you must compare and contrast two social psychological theories which offer an explanation for this inter-group behaviour.

To describe is to provide characteristics and features. To explain is to provide an explanation of not only how something happens, but why it happens. To compare and contrast is to consider the similarities and differences. Consequently, your answer should include, with reference to the relevant psychological literature on this topic:

descriptions (including definitions) of empathy, collective guilt, and negative attitudes toward Indigenous Australians,
the role of empathy and collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes toward Indigenous Australians,
a description of the relevant social psychological theories of intergroup behaviour which offer explanations for the role of empathy and collective guilt in the prediction of negative attitudes,

consideration of their differences and similarities in explaining this phenomenon, and
critical analysis of your chosen theories, considering any limitations they may have in their explanatory role.


Empathy is the vicarious experience of another’s perspective and includes feelings of sympathy and compassion (Kassin et al., 2020). Collective guilt is experienced when group members accept that their ingroup is responsible for harmful actions against another group. This guilt is a self-conscious emotion stemming from a person’ collective identity or group association (Branscombe & Doosje, 2004).

Both empathy and collective guilt have been associated with, and are predictive of, negative attitudes towards Indigenous Australians (Pedersen et al., 2004). Several social psychological theories may offer explanations for this association. These include social identity theory, self-categorisation theory, intergroup emotions theory, and social dominance theory. However the extent that they offer explanations may be limited.

Branscombe, N. R., & Doosje, B. (2004). Collective Guilt : International Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
Kassin, S., Fein, S., Markus, H. R., McBain, K. A., & Williams, L. A. (2020). Social Psychology (2nd ed.): Cengage Learning Australia.
Pedersen, A., Beven, J., Walker, I., & Griffiths, B. (2004). Attitudes toward Indigenous-Australians: The role of empathy and guilt. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 14, 233-249.   doi: 10.1002/casp.771

Required reading

Branscombe, N. R., & Doosje, B. (2004). Collective Guilt : International Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.  You can access this e-book through the Leganto reading list.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

be able to demonstrate an understanding of the major theories within Social Psychology, and an awareness of their applications in everyday life

be able to demonstrate familiarity with some of Social Psychology’s fundamental issues and controversies

be able to demonstrate skills in critical evaluation of previous research and theoretical positions via assessments, including a written assignment related to Australian Indigenous Issues

This task will also help you to:

practise organising your thoughts in a coherent and logical manner
develop the ability to present reasoning that is clear and concise
encourage the development of thought and analysis in essay writing.


Students will be evaluated based on the following marking rubric. This rubric is designed to make clear the grading process by informing you of the key elements expected in your essay. Specific feedback will also be given throughout your essay to help guide your development as an author.


This assignment is to be completed in essay format. It should include an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. An abstract is not required.

The length is 2000 words [ +/- 10% of the max. word limit applies]. This includes in-text citations but excludes the reference list.
The essay requires a title page, use page numbers and include a Running head. For specific guidance please refer to the APA Writing and Research Guide provided on Interact2.

Use commonly used font (e.g., Times New Roman, Calibri) in 12 point, double spaced.
New paragraphs should be clearly demarcated with an indented first line. No extra space is needed between paragraphs.
Start the reference list on a new page. The title “References” should be in upper and lower case centred and bold.

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