Identify a program in your local community that is addressing healthy living at the individual level. Examples include, but are not limited to YMCA programs, worksite wellness, local hospital or clinic wellness programs, etc.

Healthy Living



1. Identify a program in your local community that is addressing healthy living at the individual level. Examples include, but are not limited to YMCA programs, worksite wellness, local hospital or clinic wellness programs, etc.

2. Provide a brief description of the program and how it contributes to healthy living on both physical and mental health levels.

3. Discuss how this program contributes to the health of the overall community.

4. How can they partner with other programs in the community to provide more comprehensive interdisciplinary services?


The paper should be at least 975 words in length. Include a list of references in APA format.


Successfully identifies an appropriate program for study, which demonstrates all of the following:

● Program applies principles of healthy living at the individual level to protect and promote optimal health.

● Program applies principles of healthy living at the community level to protect and promote optimal health.

● Program contributes to healthy living on the physical level.

● Program contributes to healthy living on the mental health level. Provides a detailed, supported overview of the program by including all of the following:

● Describes the program’s history, services, and mission (if applicable).

● Describes how the program contributes to physical health, using one or more supporting examples.

● Describes how the program contributes to the mental health of the population it serves, using at least one specific supporting example.

● Supports all opinions with relevant and credible sources.Successfully discusses how the program contributes to the overall
health of the community by demonstrating all of the following:

● One or more specific evidenced based supporting examples are provided.

● All opinions are supported by relevant and credible sources Successfully describes how the program can partner with other
programs in the community to provide more comprehensive interdisciplinary services by demonstrating all of the following:

● Thoroughly discusses how interdisciplinary collaboration promotes optimal health.

● Provides one or more specific examples of how the program can partner with other organizations (public or private) to provide more comprehensive interdisciplinary services.

● All opinions are supported by relevant and credible sources.

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