Discuss some of the positives and potential challenges of using this style of leadership.

Leadership Style and Peer Review

Assess your supervision and leadership styles using the assigned reading materials from the course and/or any free online assessments that you desire to use. You are not required to pay to assess your style. It is possible to determine how you might approach a supervisory situation by considering the information presented in the assigned articles and reflecting on how the various approaches resonate with you.

Once you have spent some time on this assessment and reflection, create a professional essay that addresses the following topic areas:

Discuss what resources and process you used to assess your style of leadership. (20 points)

Share what you think your style is and why you believe this to be true. (20 points)

Discuss some of the positives and potential challenges of using this style of leadership. (20 points)

Discuss what you find most interesting about your style of leadership. (20 points)

Presentation is professional and pleasant to view. (20 points)


Transformative Leader

They say curiosity killed the cat but you recognize that is why cats have nine lives. Your relentless hunger to gain knowledge means you look far ahead while remaining cognizant of what is going on in the present. This ability to see gives you the confidence to take big risks. To gain the confidence and participation of others, you turn up the charm. However, you rarely need to be the center of attention. When the big risks pay off you share success with everyone who made it possible. Check out these 7 Traits of Transformative Leaders for more about your leadership style.

Your leadership style is a valuable asset for improving your career prospects. A leadership program can help you bring evidence-based practices to your work, adding value for your employer.


Diplomats prize interpersonal harmony. They are the social glue and affiliative force that keeps groups together. They’re typically kind, social, and giving, and often have deep personal bonds with their employees. And they’re often known for being able to resolve conflicts peacefully (and avoid them in the first place).

Working for Diplomats is often more fun and social than working for other leaders (especially the Pragmatists). Diplomats put less emphasis on challenging their employees than they do putting their people in positions to succeed and leverage their strengths. Diplomats work to avoid having people feel uncomfortable or anxious.

Traditional measures of employee satisfaction are often very high for Diplomats. For the appropriate people, it’s a great situation. Famous Diplomats include Mohandas Gandhi, David Glass (former CEO of Wal-Mart) and David C. Novak (Chairman of Yum! Brands).

Additional Resources:

We Can Work It Out: Managing Workplace Disputes – Nonprofit Risk Management Center

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