Is transcranial magnetic stimulation an effective treatment for depression?Explain

Is transcranial magnetic stimulation an effective treatment for depression?

And these are the 5 studies selected for literature review:

Summative Assessment Level 6

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

Critically evaluate literature on a chosen topic

Investigate an area relevant to nursing practice through an identified methodology

Analyse and critically discuss implications for practice.

The indicative content of the module has been developed to ensure that students can achieve these learning outcomes with this being assessed via the summative assessment outlined below.

Assessment Guidance

The work should use appropriate sources from the literature and placement to meet programme requirements for academic level and referencing.

Coursework 1

A literature review is a summary of previous primary research on a topic which can be either part of a larger report or research project but in this case is a stand-alone assignment.

You will consider a practice dilemma that you have identified and critically evaluate literature in relation to this to demonstrate an in-depth understanding and to determine:
What is known about the subject?
Are there any gaps in the knowledge of the subject?
Who are the significant researchers in the subject area?
Is there consensus? If not, are there areas of dispute or uncertainty that have generated debate?
What is the current status of research in the area?
What are your recommendations for practice?

Within this assignment you will be expected to support your work with the relevant literature working within the academic regulations to produce a quality piece of academic work.

Develop a search strategy

Define your research subject. It is important to spend time getting this right, remember a poorly structured subject will give you poor results from you search and waste your time.

Think about the topic of interest and ask
What is the purpose of the review?
Why is it important to me and nursing?
What are the key words?
Are there any alternative words that could be used? I.e. synonyms, spelling variations
Where will I find the research? For example: primary care, residential care, acute care, UK, worldwide, Derbyshire.
Who is involved in the research? Patients, clients, staff?

Identify where you will look for overview information before starting the formal search.
For example: Books, journals, conference, government publications, theses, databases, library, internet.

For the purposes of this review you will need to read and analyse the articles you find that are relevant to your topic. You need to be able to summarise the work you have read but also decide which ideas within it are important. You will need to identify the major concepts, theories, arguments and conclusions within each article and also look for similarities and differences between different pieces of work. You should aim to source a minimum number of 5 papers and a maximum of 10 articles.

The structure of the review

The structure of the review follows the structure of a research article or a systematic review as described in the PRISMA Statement , i.e. introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion.

Research Question/ Title page- This needs to be achievable within the context of the literature review and you may need to do some initial scoping. This should be related to an area of your practice. (Not included in the total word count)

Abstract- A brief summary of the findings of your review including background, methods, results and conclusions. (Approximately 200-300 words not included in the total word count)

Introduction- this should state the purpose of the review and give brief background information as to why you have chosen the research subject and the aims and objectives of the study. This justification should include an explanation as to why this is important to the role of the registered nurse. This section will need some statistical evidence and links to current policy and guidelines. You will need to ensure that you define any terms you use e.g. older person is a person over the age of…(Approximately 600-800 words)

Methodology- describe the methods you have used to find the information for the review i.e. search terms, key words and which databases you used, how many hits there were. Explain how you narrowed down your search and selected the research articles for the review. You might find a tool such as PRISMA/SPIDER useful here. This section should include your search strategies and how you intend to analyse your data. (Approximately 500-800 words)

Results- this should systematically summarize the main findings of the articles you review. You can use a table to show results.

The results table should be laid out as follows:
Title, Author and the date of publication (where there are 3 or more authors et al is acceptable Research methods used e.g. qualitative/quantitative, data collection methods, sample size. Limitations of the study. Summary of the findings Country of origin

(Not included in total word count.)

Results- This section should be a summary of the findings from the papers. You should present your results/themes incorporating a critical appraisal of the studies included and a critique of the methods used in the chosen research e.g. Paper 1 used a phenomenological to ascertain participants experience which is arguably appropriate because….. (ref).

Subjects for discussion are likely to include reliability and validity of methodologies used, as well as the findings claimed in the articles and any ethical considerations. A research textbook may inform your discussion. (Approximately 1500 words)

Discussion – this is then followed by a critical discussion of your findings based around themes generated by the results.

Usually, for a literature review of this length three or four themes will enable you to discuss the issues which emerge from the data. There should be critical analysis and application to nursing practice.

You will need to provide some additional references to support your arguments and consider the generalisability of the findings. You will also need to consider any limitations of the research in this section. (Approximately 3000-4000 words)

Conclusion – have you identified a common theme, an area of debate, and gaps within the knowledge base? What is the strength of the evidence to support your arguments? Can you recommend areas for further research?

Recommendations for practice– The final part of the assessment is to propose a brief action plan to identify how you could use the findings of this review to either support existing practice or to change practice based on the evidence discovered. Consider how you could disseminate your findings to the wider audience. (Approximately 1000 words)

References – Accurate referencing following University of Derby guidelines. (Not included in total word count)

Appendices- Please include any tools (e.g. PICO, Prisma/Spider, CASP) you have used to assist your writing in the appendix. (Not included in total word count)

Achieving the required level

Learning Outcomes

The first consideration is to achieve the learning outcomes of the module. These are set out above but are also in the module specification at the end of the handbook. Work that does not evidence that the learning outcomes have been achieved will not pass.


These are the constituents of good academic work. Meeting these will enable the achievement of the learning outcomes. They are:

Minimum of 6000 word and a maximum of 8000 words.

Front sheet including word count, title and submission date.

Contents page

Clear legible presentation.

Verdana size 12 font and double line spaced.

Good use of spelling, grammar and language throughout.

Logical progression and structure of arguments.

An introduction, a well-developed structured discussion, and a conclusion summarising the work.

The introduction should include an exploration of the focus of the assignment and discuss the way the study has been approached.

A coherent flow of information/discussion with clear links back to the topic.

Evidence of a range of relevant supporting reading

Use of accurate, evidence based information to support the arguments made

Correct use of the Harvard referencing system

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