Ehrlich states: “Doubling the population normally much more than doubles environmental deterioration”. Explain this statement.

Tragedy of the Commons (Garrett Hardin)

1) What does Hardin mean by the expression “Tragedy of the Commons”? What are “The Commons”?

2) What example/parable does Hardin use to illustrate the “Tragedy of the Commons”? Give an example of the ‘Commons’
from your local area. How does this relate to the Carrying Capacity of the land?

3) Is the human population problem really unsolvable like a game of tick-tack-toe? Provide your opinion on this.

4) According to Hardin, why will appealing to the individual consciousness never work? Do you agree with this or not?

5) Explain Hardin’s theory of “Lifeboat ethics”. Do you agree with Hardin on this point? (NOTE: external research may be
required for this question)

6) Hardin quotes the economist Adam Smith in his article. How did Adam Smith’s views influence Hardin’s writing?

7) Hardin writes: “We must soon cease to treat the (National) Parks as commons or they will be of no value to anyone.” Do you
agree with Hardin’s view? Why or why not?

Part B: Human Population and the Environment
The Population Bomb! (Paul Ehrlich)

1) What is the central argument of the Population Bomb! Why do you think this book was so controversial in its day? What is
meant by the terms “birth-rate solutions” and “death-rate solutions. Define these terms and give 2 examples of each.

2) The essay was written in 1968, and many of Ehrlich’s predictions did not come to fruition. Does this imply that the
neo-Malthusian perspective is inherently wrong (and that the Cornucopians are more correct)? Or does this mean that the
doomsday scenario just hasn’t happened yet? Explain.

3) Ehrlich states: “Doubling the population normally much more than doubles environmental deterioration”. Explain this

4) What is meant by the term ‘carrying capacity’? How does this relate to Ehrlich’s ideas? How does this relate to the
environment in general?

5) What is the current world population? (Outside internet research will be required).

6) Go to the following website: Currently, what
are the 5 most populous countries on Earth? Where does the USA fall in this list?

7) Now visit the website showing the most populous nations by 2050. What will be the Top 5 nations in terms of population
by the year 2050? Where is the USA in this list? Are the Top 5 countries in 2050 ‘developing’ or ‘developed’ nations, or do you
see a combination of both? Explain.

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