Identify one (1) scholarly article about public management that are related to a topic from your readings and class discussion.

Productivity Improvements in the Public Sector

Article Critique One

Identify one (1) scholarly article about public management that are related to a topic from your readings and class discussion.

By “article,” I mean an article published in an authoritative academic journal, such as
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory; Administration and Society; Academy of Management; Academy of Management Review; Administrative Science Quarterly; Governance: International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions; American Political Science Review; Public Administration Review; American Review of Public Administration; Public Administration: An International Quarterly; Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly; International Journal of Public Administration; Policy Studies Journal; International Review of Administrative Sciences; Urban Affairs Review; Public Management Journal; Public Administration & Development; Administrative Theory & Praxis; and Public Policy and Administration, etc. on the Barry Online Library).

Each review will be a minimum of five (5) pages of text, double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, in essay format, third person only. Provide full citation using APA.

Summarize its content, discuss the relevance/impact of the article to public management, identify and explain concepts from the readings that apply to the situation described in the article. You must cite appropriately using APA.

Your critique should contain a cover page, body of text with headings taken from questions, and reference page. Cover and reference page do not count towards the five (5) pages.

Use the following format as a guide in writing your article reviews. Part of the grade will be based on how well you use the following questions. A requirement of this assignment is to upload your article along with your paper. I will not grade your paper if the article is not also uploaded.


•​Main Purpose: The main purpose of this article is ​ state why you think the author wrote the article.
•​Key Question: The key question that the author is addressing is
when s/he wrote the article. Figure out the key question in the mind of the author

•​Important Information: The most important information in this article is
​ Figure out the facts, experiences, data the author is using to support her/his

•​Key Concepts: The key concept(s) we need to understand in this article are
​By these concepts the author means…
​Figure out the most important ideas that you would have to understand in order
to understand the author’s line of reasoning.

•​Main Assumptions: The main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking
is/are …
​Figure out what the author may take for granted that may be questioned.

•​Main Implications: When taking the authors line of thinking seriously the
implications are? What consequences are likely to follow if people take the
author’s line of reasoning seriously? Not taking the authors line of reasoning
the implications are … the author’s reasoning? What consequences are likely to follow if people

•​Main Conclusions: The main inferences/conclusions in this article are… ​Identify the key conclusions that the author comes to and presents in the article.

Once you answer the questions, you are in an excellent position to summarize and then analyze the article. This is to be written in narrative format. Do not directly answer the questions in a Q&A format. Many of the articles are complicated and this kind of template helps to learn from studies found in peer review journals. You will be graded on whether or not you use these points.

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