Do students consciously decide to engage in challenging behavior? What are the professional and ethical standards all teachers should maintain when working with a student engaging in challenging behavior? Support your opinion with research.

Promoting positive behavior

Answer discussion questions with a college level response in a paragraph

Discussion questions

1. “Working Effectively with Students with BD in a General Education Classroom: The Case for Universal Design for Learning”, mentions Multiple Means of Representation. Why is it important to use this with students who have a behavioral disorder?

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

2. Explain two strategies a teacher can use to help motivate students with disabilities without extrinsic rewards. How does helping a student develop intrinsic motivation support their long-term success?

3. Do students consciously decide to engage in challenging behavior? What are the professional and ethical standards all teachers should maintain when working with a student engaging in challenging behavior? Support your opinion with research.

Student response to peer comments
1.Peer Comment: Tami G

Two strategies that I find to be helpful in motivating students with disabilities without offering an extrinsic reward would be building and developing relationships. Students are much more receptive when a caring adult actively listens to their thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Further, a strong, trustworthy relationship, where a teacher displays faith in their abilities and a strong interest in their success, can help motivate a student with disabilities to rise to the expectation (McDaniel, 2020).

Another strategy would be to make the learning material relevant to their lives and involves their interests. Teachers can give choices of a variety of topics and interests so that students will be motivated to learn (McDaniel, 2020). Helping students to develop intrinsic motivation supports long term success by clarifying their own goals and desires and working to meet those goals to yield a greater feeling of satisfaction. It also builds a higher level of persistence and determination.

McDaniel, R. (2020). Motivating Students. Retrieved from

2. Peer Comment Sc

Two strategies that can be used to motivate students with out utilizing extrinsic rewards could be the use of over praising and utilizing breaks during activties. Academics can be challenging for studenst who have disabilities because it is challenging or the amount of time we are asking students to sit and focus.

While students are working the teacher or aide can praise their efforts with phrases such as “I am so proud that you are working so hard”, “I love that you remembered _______ stratedgy” and “Wow friend you did all of this work!” From my experience in praising students work they become more confident, if I need to correct something it is in a gentle reminder or I will walk through the problem with the student.

Offering breaks to students before they get frustrtaed is important, knowing the student and what they can tolerate is important for this stratedgy. Showing students productive ways to tale a break to reset will be important as they progress through school. With this stratedgy time can be increased in small amounts to build up stamina. The break can also be customized to suit the students interests such as drawing, coloring, playing games or watching videos.

Stuents developing intrinsic motivation is important for long term success in school and any future plans such as college or work. Everyone enjoys receiving extrinsic rewards for completing tasks but that is not a realistic expectation past primary grade levels.

Students need to learn skills that work on intrinsic motivation that they can use long term to complete tasks. We can not force students to want to work and learn but we can teach the tools needed for students to want to succeed for themselves opposed to only working hard for a tangible reward.

My Response:

3.Peer Comment Samantha

Working with students with disabilities the teacher must brainstorm how they can internally motivate the students. One would be to be an inspiration for the student by teaching a subject the student enjoys. If they student enjoys learning about animals, then have a fun activity in English or science by reading story about an animal or doing a science project on habitats. The students will get the motivation to work because they are inspired to work on a subject, they are passionate about. Another example would be to allow the student to have ownership of the environment. This will allow the student to make an environment that will make them feel safe and want to work in an environment that they helped create. This will help the student in the long run because they will learn to make an environment their own. They will be able to think what they are happy about and what makes them feel safe while special. It will take time, but they will use the intrinsic to become motivated.

My Response: Answer

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