Does neuroimaging play a role in diagnosing and treating common cognitive dysfunction? Explain.

This case study is about Brandon, a 5 year old kindergarten I worked with during my time as a therapeutic support specialist. At the time, Brandon was a 5 year old male who was diagnosed with autism and being legally blind.  Brandon’s visible signs of autism included impulsive behavior, repetition of words such as commercials, irrational fear of food (textures) and closed spaces, and sensitivity to sound to name a few.

The case application paper should :

1) analyze brain areas associated with a disorder and corresponding behavioral deficits,

2) review existing research and apply the literature to a topic in cognitive neuropsychology, and

3) assess diagnostic techniques, summarize effective treatments, and analyze possible outcomes of those treatments.

Neuropsychological Function

a. What are the neuropsychological characteristics of a normal functioning brain?

b. What neuropsychological disruptions occur in an individual diagnosed with the cognitive dysfunction of Brandon?

c. How does the neuropsychological functioning in a normal functioning brain compare to neuropsychological functioning with an individual diagnosed with the cognitive dysfunction of Brandon?

4. Diagnosis and Treatment

a. What neuropsychological methods would be appropriate in diagnosing and treating a common cognitive dysfunction?

b. Does neuroimaging play a role in diagnosing and treating common cognitive dysfunction? Explain.

c. What role does neuropsychological assessment play in diagnosing and treating common cognitive dysfunctions?

5. Coping Mechanisms and Prevention Strategies

a. What types of coping mechanisms would you recommend for a child or adolescent experiencing these cognitive issues?

b. How might cognitive issues be prevented in children or adolescents who may be at elevated risk for developing dysfunction?

c. What role do the principles of cognitive neuropsychology play in developing coping mechanisms and prevention strategies for children and/or adolescents who are at risk or are experiencing these cognitive issues?

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