Describe your selected offense as it is defined in the UCR. Discuss how your theory may or contribute to the cause of your selected crime.


Review Chapter 2 and Part One offenses from the FBI Uniformed Crime Report.

For this assignment select a part one offense from the UCR. You are to then select a theory discussed in Chapter 3. Describe your selected offense as it is defined in the UCR. Discuss how your theory may or contribute to the cause of your selected crime.

To support your papers position and your stance use the HFC library to locate outside sources (articles or journals). You are to cite those sources in text and include a reference page at the conclusion of your paper. Also include what you believe are other contributing factors.

This assignment is to be completed in written essay format using Times New Roman 12pt font double spaced. At least 2 pages. This does not include you reference page.

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