Submit brief (1-2 page) reflection explaining: the difference between Evidence-based, Research-based, Promising, and Unestablished Practices why this information is important in relation to everything you have learned so far about helping students’ transition

For this assignment you will need to access the National Technical Assistance Center for Transition (NTACT) at (Links to an external site.)

Under the heading Effective Practices, review the discussion of Effective Practices and Predictors.  Review the Evidence Based Practices Link (Blue Ribbon), Research Based Practices (Green Ribbon) and Promising Practices (Pink Button) explore the practices found in Education, Graduation and Post-School Success domains.  Select one practice from each of domain and describe it in one or two sentences.

Format example example:

Evidence-based Practices:
Education Practice – 1-2 sentences
Graduation Practice (n/a)
Post-School Practice  (n/a)
Research-Based Practices:
Education Practice – 1-2 sentences
Graduation Practice – 1-2 sentences
Post-School Practice – 1-2 sentences
Promising Practices:
Education Practice – 1-2 sentences
Graduation Practice – 1-2 sentences
Post-School Practice – 1-2 sentences

2. Submit brief (1-2 page) reflection explaining:

the difference between Evidence-based, Research-based, Promising, and Unestablished Practices
why this information is important in relation to everything you have learned so far about helping students’ transition

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