Based on the revisions you made, have Terry question or disagree with at least one point that is relevant to her areas of improvement.

Performance Review Meeting Video

Meet With Terry: Video-record yourself (transcript)as you take part in a four- to six-minute mock performance review meeting, in which you play the part of the HR representative while a friend, coworker or relative plays the role of Terry, who can be a man or woman. Instruct the person acting as Terry to question or disagree with at least one point that comes up during the review. Also, be sure to suggest ways that Terry can improve in any performance review areas marked as “improvement needed.”

Video (transcript) shows student addressing performance strengths and areas for improvement, responding appropriately to the employee question or objection, and making specific relevant suggestions.

Revise your video to ensure that you highlight Terry’s performance strengths and areas of improvement.

Based on the revisions you made, have Terry question or disagree with at least one point that is relevant to her areas of improvement. Then, appropriately respond to the employee’s question or objection by making specific and relevant suggestions.

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