Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working.

Course: BSc Nursing (Adult, Mental Health, Child fields)
LEVEL 6 Module: Leadership & Management for Excellence in Relationship Centred Care Science and Practice.

Task 1:

Critical Evaluation of the Management of an Incident or Set of Events in practice

Learning Outcomes:

Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working.

Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding, maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff.

Evaluate the application of psychological and communication science as applied to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred care.

Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation including the use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the APA 6th SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling and grammar

(For grading purposes the four Learning Outcomes are equally weighted)

What we want you to do
Write a critical evaluation of the management of an incident or set of events in practice. It should focus on relationships and use psychological and communication theories as well as critiquing specific leadership skills relevant to the incident. The word length for this assignment is 2,500 words. The incident/set of events MUST be described in an appendix with key elements outlined in your introduction.

Why we want you to do it
The aim of this module is to develop your ability to lead and manage care, utilising psychological concepts and communication models to ensure high quality service provision for people of all ages. It includes those with complex needs in all fields of practice within primary, secondary and tertiary care settings.
In completing the assessment you should draw on the knowledge and skills of psychological and communication sciences and the values and attitudes required to lead and manage care within your chosen incident or set of events

Some examples of incidents which could be used:

Managing a complaint from a service-user or their family
Managing conflict within a team or service-user’s family
Supporting the autonomy of children and young people
Supporting the continuum of care with families, professionals and paid carers
Supporting a service user to take appropriate risks balanced with the duty of care to provide or impose a safe environment

Prioritising, negotiating and delegating care activities among team members
Acting as a role model for service users or team members
Working against stigma and negative attitudes
Advocating for a service user who is vulnerable
Raising awareness of risks to patient safety
Working as a team to manage a medical emergency
Depriving a service user of their liberty or detaining them under the Mental
Health Acts 1983/2007

You may be describing your direct or indirect involvement, or your observation and evaluation of a situation.

Content guidance
Subjects students must include in their assignment

You will need to identify specific psychological and communication theories or concepts and critique how these were used in the incident. You will also need to identify and critique the leadership skills used and what is meant by ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ in the context of your incident. Reading theory and evidence based literature on these subjects will be one of the key activities in your preparation of this assessment.


Communication, self-awareness and the application of other psychological concepts are essential skills for good leadership and teamwork. You should evaluate the application of relevant psychological and communication theories when leading relationship centred care. The theory that the work considers will be led by the incident/set of events selected.

Values & attitudes:

Our attitudes toward other people are often strongly connected to the things that we value in life. The values that are important to the NHS have been made clear in its constitution (Department of Health for England 2015) and these are highlighted in the values identified by individual trusts.

The things that the government values in its nursing workforce (The 6 Cs) are written in Compassion in Practice (NHS Commissioning Board 2012). The literature that informs these ideas should be used in your critical evaluation

Reflective learning

While this assignment doesn’t require you to use a reflective model, you can do so if it helps you to structure your work.


Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own or copying from your own work previously submitted for another assignment. It is regarded as a form of cheating or ‘academic misconduct’ and is likely to result in action under the University’s Disciplinary procedures. You must ensure that you acknowledge the ideas and work of others by proper referencing when submitting coursework.

Examples of plagiarism

The inclusion in your essay of a sentence or phrase (or more) from another person’s work without the use of quotation marks and referencing the sources
The paraphrasing of another person’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without referencing the source
The substantial and unauthorized use of ideas of another person without referencing the source.
Copying material of your own which you have already submitted as part of a previous assignment. This is called self-plagiarism.

self-plagiarism or duplication: copying work that was originally completed and submitted by the student and resubmitted for another purpose.

How you might prepare for contact with your marker

To support you in writing this assignment each student has the opportunity to submit a 500 word draft for formative feedback from their marker prior to the submission of the summative assessment. The submission of the 500 words is optional you do not have to do this, however you will not get any feedback on your work other than through this process.

You can choose which 500 words you wish to submit. You may decide to submit a detailed plan (usually recommended), a particular section or the first 500 words it is up to you.

Include a summary of the scenario or set of events from practice that you plan to use as the basis of your essay. It is also useful to identify specific questions that you have so the marker can focus their feedback to meet your needs.

Study skills support includes:-

Getting ready for Academic study
Finding information
Reading and Evaluating
Academic writing
Improving your maths
Managing your time
Group work and presenting
Preparing for exams

References used in this document:

Department of Health (2015) The NHS Constitution: the NHS belongs to us all Williams Lea
National Health Service Commissioning Board (2012) Compassion in Practice (Published in electronic format only)

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