Compose a literary critical essay examining and analyzing the novel’s commentary on the conflicts and compromises between individuals and their social groups.

Wuthering Heights Literary Analysis Essay

Compose a literary critical essay examining and analyzing the novel’s commentary on the conflicts and compromises between individuals and their social groups.

Analyze such literary devices as narrator, tone, setting, and plot as you consider how Bronte made choices to create effects and advance arguments about her society.

Before you start the essay, spend some time brainstorming what you’d like to discuss. The first sentence above is your task. The second one is something you should do as you accomplish the task.

So, with this in mind, you’ll want to consider what individuals you’d like to discuss as you consider the “conflicts and compromises” that arise in relation to their social groups.

You do not have to include all the characters and instances. It is. your task to select the few you want to focus on them and present a well-developed analysis.

Consider that one of the themes we’ve discussed is social class, so you probably already have some thoughts on this.

Your essay should be at least 800 -1000 words. Keep in mind that with literary analysis, the primary source (Wuthering Heights, in this case) is your evidence, so you’ll want to incorporate textual references.

Your essay will be graded according to the Argument Rubric provided below. Review this rubric before you begin this task and once again before you submit your finished essay.

Go through the steps of the writing process and ensure you have crafted an essay that addresses the task, has a strong claim, and is supported by your ideas and evidence from the text.


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