What has been the American strategy for fighting insurgency since the 1960’s?Explain


This week’s discussion asks you to consider ‘How New is New Terrorism’?

Your discussion comments should consider the following questions:

1 What has been the American strategy for fighting insurgency since the 1960’s?

2 What identifiable trends for fighting insurgency have we seen?

3 Reflecting on historical case studies, is insurgency today different from insurgency in the past?

4 What is your assessment of ‘New Terrorism’ considering the claims and methodological rigor in the Duyvesteyn’s article?


Duyvesteyn, I.  (24 June 2010).  How New Is the New Terrorism? Pages 439-454 Retrieved from, https://doi-org.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/10.1080/10576100490483750

Ideology of Insurgency: New Ethnic Focus or Old Cold War Distortions?: Small Wars & Insurgencies: Vol 15, No 1 (tandfonline.com)

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