Identify one real life example, from your own life, in which you faced an ethical dilemma where you felt two competing ethical demands, and had to decide what action would be the most ethical action to take.

Ethical dilemma

Identify one real life example, from your own life, in which you faced an ethical dilemma where you felt two competing ethical demands, and had to decide what action would be the most ethical action to take.

Try to use Critchley’s language to describe what was happening to you.

1) What were the two different “demands” that you were experiencing

2) Why/how did you “approve” of each one – on what grounds?

3) What did you decide to do in the end?

4) How did this decision/action affect your sense of “moral self hood”

(Did you feel like you had acted like a good person?

Did it change your ideas about morality or about yourself as a moral or immoral person?)

220 words (max) in total.

Please include in-text citations (ie., (Bakan, 2005 p. 26) if you quote the authors, but you dont need a references list at the end. no need for external references.

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