Using the evidence from the accident investigation report analyses how, if the organizations concerned had had an SMS in place, the accident might have been avoided.

Topic: Managing Safety & Security for Aviation TAL038-3

Paper details:

On completion of this unit you should be able to:

1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of aviation safety management systems, aviation security, and human factors, and how these minimize risk within a leadership and managerial context

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

Demonstrate a coherent understanding of aircraft accidents and incidents, the reasons for them, and the ways in which they may be mitigated in the future.
What am I required to do in this assignment?

Aircraft accidents are often caused by a series of disconnected events which, together, lead to a catastrophic accident event. Using an aircraft accident of your choice you are required to produce a fifteen-minute video presentation using a recorded PowerPoint presentation (full guidance on how to do this will be given and placed on BREO).

In your presentation you are required to:

**Give a brief outline of the individual events which, together, led to the accident

**Explain the rationale (reasoning) for the industry move to the introduction of SMSs (Safety Management Systems)

Using the evidence from the accident investigation report analyses how, if the organizations concerned had had an SMS in place, the accident might have been avoided.


1. This assignment is limited to 15 minutes

2. All sources you have used must be shown in a List of References/Bibliography, in the correct Harvard format, which should be included on the final slide

In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to effectively:

– Analyze aircraft accidents or incidents

Understand the underlying reasons for why they occurred and what can be done to mitigate them happening in the future

-Ensure presentation is professional, succinct, very clear

* Ensure your reference properly to support your arguments

* Provide strong, reliable, and up-to-date examples and evidence from practice

Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does the assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

This assessment is designed to help you understand the underlying causes of many aircraft accidents and why the industry is introducing SMS (Safety Management Systems) to improve its safety record.

It is designed to help you develop your presentation and evidence-based research skills using Harvard referencing and to produce professional presentations.

Developing these skills will enhance your employability skills as, in industry, concise presentations with a comprehensive analysis of the key information are widely used.

Using the rubric will enable you to see, for each of the four assessment criteria, what you need to achieve to obtain the mark you are seeking within each grade boundary.

*At level 6 we are looking for a professional presentation.

There should be no grammar or spelling errors, all sources used should be correctly referenced (both in-text citations and List of References), you should support your text with, appropriate, images/figures in support of what you are saying, and your narration should be clear.

In terms of your content, you should read the brief and ensure your presentation addresses what is required to be done.

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