How can businesses use AI to gain competitive advantage in the computer manufacturing Industry?Explain

Topic: How can businesses use AI to gain competitive advantage in the computer manufacturing Industry?

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the template should have Report title
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Paper abstract (More information about abstract is provided below)
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INTRODUCTION: Write only one or two paragraphs. Must be less than a half page.

PROBLEM (Following the PEAS framework Download PEAS framework): Write only two or three paragraphs. Must be about a half page.

EVIDENCE (Following the PEAS framework Download PEAS framework): This is one of the main sections. Must be more than one page. Write evidences as facts with source, NOT as speculation. Evidence can include relevant facts, rules, theories, models, concepts, techniques, perspectives or guidelines.

ANALYSIS (Following the PEAS framework Download PEAS framework): This is one of the main sections. Must be more than one page. Generate and evaluate three alternative solutions to the problem in light of the evidence you mentioned in the above “Evidence” section. Explain strengths and weaknesses of the alternatives.

SOLUTION (Following the PEAS framework Download PEAS framework) AND

CONCLUSION. Write two or three paragraphs. Must be less than a page. Choose the optimal solution among the three alternative solutions you mentioned above . Explain why your solution is better than the alternatives based on good evidence and sound logic.

Then, per template Download template, you should have

REFERENCES (APA style: At least 10 references. The credibility of each reference must be evaluated using the CRAAP test and the summary of the CRAAP test result must be in APPENDIX). This is NOT part of 5-10 pages of the body.

APPENDIX: (Must contain at least one table: Summary of the CRAAP Test Results. See the CRAAP test and a sample table Preview the document Download See the CRAAP test and a sample table.)

This is NOT part of 5-10 pages of the body. The body of your report should be about 5 to 10 pages long, single-spaced, APA-style citations and references.

[Paper should not exceed twenty (20) pages, including all appendices using the font and margin settincgogs specified in the template.]

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