What is the age of the buildings? Are the residences single family or multifamily dwellings? o What is the median family income?

Your community survey should paint a vivid picture of your community to somebody who is unfamiliar with the area. Windshield surveys are based on what you observe when you walk or drive through the community and should not be strictly based on pre-existing knowledge. Be specific in your observations. For example, instead of “there are three churches in my community,” name the churches that you see and describe their denominations.
1. The name of my community is Bellaire. Bellaire Houston is located south of the Galleria area and west of West University Place and Southside Place, with a population of 18,733…………
2. Conduct a community survey to gather data about the appearance of the community (Nies and McEwen, Chapter 6). An internet search cannot take the place of the survey. The text refers to the survey as a windshield survey. Use the information in chapter 6 to guide in specific observations for the assignment. (Note: not all components of a windshield survey are included in the assignment).
3. Interview a community expert to collaborate in determining the highest priority problem for the population in the chosen community. My Approved key informant is: Esther Ajayi. Able Healthcare Solution Houston Texas. Home Health RN, BSN,NP
4. Formulate a community health diagnosis based on your survey and your collaboration with the community expert. From your text book, use the format as shown. The diagnosis will follow the example on page 103. Also, see page 104 for a detailed example of the community diagnosis.
5. Follow the rubric to complete each section of the assignment to create a PowerPoint presentation of your community and key informant interview to include:
Slide 1: Title Slide with student name, presentation title-name of community, date
Slide 2: Community location, boundaries and overall appearance of community\green spaces\signs of decay
(Note: For assignment purposes, the term “community/neighborhood” does not strictly refer to your residential neighborhood. It also includes the nearby community resources within a short drive/distance.)

o What do you see as you drive through the community/neighborhood?
o Is the area is rural or crowded, the amount of green space, the general upkeep, signs of decay, etc.
o Is the area well maintained or in disrepair? Is there garbage strewn?
o Are the boundaries geographical, political, or economic?
o Do neighborhoods have names? Are there sub-communities? How are these identified?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 3: Economics\Housing\Zoning

o What is the age of the buildings? Are the residences single family or multifamily dwellings?
o What is the median family income?
o Does the community appear to be wealthy, middle class, or impoverished?
o Is the area zoned for industry, agricultural, residential or shopping malls?
o Is the community’s economy growing, declining, or stable?
o What evidence do you see of growth, decline, or stability (i.e. new businesses, new residential areas, dilapidated buildings, closing businesses, established businesses, etc.)?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 4: Kinship/Gathering-Commons Areas\Parks &Recreation

o What observations can you make about family life?
o Do you observe primarily singles, young families, or older adults?
o Are there families at nearby parks, walking down streets, or working in yards?
o Are there family events occurring in the community? Is there a community center?
o Are there signs posted?
o Are there play areas for children and adults? Are they safe and maintained?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 5: Religion/Houses of Worship

o What houses of worship (with names) are available in the community? (i.e., churches, temples, and mosques)
o How many are there of each denomination?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 6: Race\Ethnicity

o What is the predominant ethnic group?
o Are there residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds or is the community mostly one group? Which one?
o Are there stores, restaurants, churches, schools, or languages that indicate a particular ethnic group(s)?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 7: Stores\Restaurants\Transportation modes

o What stores (grocery, retail, drug, dry cleaning, etc.) are in the area?
o How do residents travel to them?
o How do most people get around the area? Is there public transportation?
o If so what kind and does it appear to be used? Who uses it? What is the condition of the streets, roads, highways?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 8: Schools\Colleges

o Are there public and private elementary, middle and high schools in the area?
o Community colleges or universities? Are they private or public?
o Are there any technical or vocational schools?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 9: Healthcare Resources\Nearest Veteran’s Healthcare Resources

o How many hospitals are there in the community? Provide the names.
o If none, where is the nearest hospital?
o What types of clinics are in the community? Provide the names.
o If none, where is the nearest family practice clinic?
o Are there any long-term care or skilled nursing facilities in the community? Provide the names.
o If none, where is the nearest long-term care?
o Are there any senior activity centers in the community? Provide the names.
o Are there pharmacies in the community? Provide the names.
o If none, where is the nearest pharmacy?
o What healthcare resources are available for veterans in your community?
o If none, where is the nearest VA clinic or hospital?
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 10: Environmental Quality-Air and Water (provide a resource with APA citation)

o Discuss and explain the community’s:
o What is the community’s air quality?
o Water quality?
o Are there presence or absence of toxic substances? (Provide a resource with APA citation)
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 11: American Red Cross location and most recent response

o Where is the nearest ARC located? ARC Response: When was the last time the nearest ARC was needed in your community or your community is in? What did they do to help the community? (Conduct an internet search for the answer, and cite your source.)
*You may include a picture or clipart/image*
Slide 12 & 13: Post no more than four photographs identifying your community and its resources; you must appear in at least one of the photographs. All photographs must be labeled.

o Briefly describe each photograph. Do not use internet pictures. Do not use pictures of the inside of any health facility. No one else should appear in your photos. If you use pictures on the previous slides, these pictures must be different.
Slide 14: Key Informant initials; date of interview and role within community with Identified ONE Community Health Priority (provide a resource with APA citation) \ Identify a key informant who is knowledgeable about the health of your community.
You will conduct an interview with a key health informant from your community/neighborhood. Approved key informants include: Home Health RN, BSN, Social Worker (outside of the hospital), Public School Nurse RN, BSN. If an RN is used, they must be BSN, MSN, DNP or NP prepared. An ADN or LVN prepared nurse will not be accepted.
Physicians, hospital-based nurses, and skilled nursing facility/long term care employees are not appropriate choices for key informants. Ask your instructor if you are unsure of the appropriateness of your key informant.
A. Identification of Key Informant (Do not use your informant’s name in your responses or personal communication citations. Only use your informant’s initials.)
B. What is the priority health problem in your community? What assessment data/evidence led you and your key informant to identify this issue as the priority problem? (Provide a resource with APA citation)
C. What are 3 realistic solutions/ 3 interventions for how you could address this problem as a community health nurse? You will use SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time) format for the 3 solutions/3 interventions. SMART will be your headings. (Provide a resource with APA citation)
Slide 15: Healthy People 2020 Goal based on Identified Community Health Priority
What Healthy People 2020 Goal does the key informant suggest needs to be addressed based on identified community health priority; please write out the goal (link below) (Provide a resource with APA citation)
https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives (Links to an external site.)
Slide 16: Community Health Diagnosis\ 3 Interventions\3 Solutions using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timed. You will use SMART initials for headings. (provide a resource with APA citation)
Based on the priority problem in your community/neighborhood (from your interview), what is the community health diagnosis. See page 103-104 of the textbook for required components of a community health diagnosis and how to format. This is not the same as a NANDA diagnosis. (Provide a resource with APA citation)
Slide 17: References
6. No pictures of the clients, people, or pictures inside a facility in the survey. You must have at least 1 picture of yourself with a facility or appropriate community scene in the background. A collage of a maximum of 4 pictures which are labeled for Slides 12 & 13.
Use graphics/images on your other slides to make it more interesting!
7. Please follow the 5×5 (five sentences maximum per slide) rule for PPT presentation and utilize notes to further explain slide content. *See the Creating a PPT in this Module *
You will need notes at the bottom of the slides, use bullet points, size 12 New Times Roman Font and double space in between each bullet point.
8. Use 7th edition APA appropriate citations and references.

o How to cite on a PPT slide: If a slide has multiple citations, they have to go with corresponding facts instead of listing all at the bottom. If it has one source, a citation can go at the bottom left side.
o References will be done in APA format on the slide. If you need more than one slide (slide #17) for your references, you will not be counted off for having an additional slide ONLY for references. You will need to include your references in the notes and follow APA format.

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