Using GanttProject, develop a schedule. Include milestones, predecessors, and resources.

Instructions on how to complete
This is not an academic essay, so you do not need to include references

Use the models and templates discussed in the course
To pass the assignment you must use GanttProject to develop the schedule
Make sure the models and templates are legible. This may require some manipulation and perhaps the consideration of using landscape mode
Read the case study carefully. All the information you need is in the case study

Read the case study provided below and complete the following:

Identify four deliverables

Develop a work breakdown structure WBS

Using GanttProject, develop a schedule. Include milestones, predecessors, and resources.

Develop a budget

Develop a risk log with a minimum of two project specific risks

Develop a governance model

Climate Conference Case Study

This case study has been created for the purpose of the exercise.

The University would like to organise a climate change conference. The intended invitees would include students, academics, interested parties, governments, and activists.

The Adam Smith Business School Management Committee (ASBSMC) is hosting the conference. The committee is made up of the following people:
Chair: Anna Williams
Committee: Alex O’Neil, James Smith, Peter Jones and Amy Black

The sponsor of the conference, Anna Williams, will also chair the project board. The ASBSMC committee members have all agreed to be on the project board.
Unlike most projects, there is no business case. Instead, the chairperson has sent you an e-mail with the following dot points:

The conference will run for one day on 1st June 2022.
500 people will attend

She has asked you to develop a budget as part of the planning process. You do not need to consider profit and loss. The budget just needs to include costs for the project activities and the project team.

You have access to three resources. Mary is a marketing specialist. She is available for 20 hours every week at a cost of £50 per hour. John is an IT specialist, and he is available for 20 hours every week at a cost of £60 per hour.

Sophie is an administration specialist, and she is available for 30 hours every week at a cost of £40 per hour. You need to estimate how many hours each week you will need these resources. Additionally your hourly rate is £80 per hour, and you will need to estimate how many hours you will need to work on the project.

Bute Hall, the largest venue in the University will be provided at no cost. This is where the conference will take place and participants will take all refreshments and meals.
The speakers and the timetable are out of scope, but you will need to consider having team members at the conference to assist with activities

All delegates will register online and pay their fees upfront. The university does not currently have a system to do this.

Delegates will collect their conference packs on arrival and pick up a printed badge that shows their name and university/college. The badge will act as their meal ticket and enable them to access the venue.

The conference pack includes a reusable canvas tote bag, branded with the conference logo, a reusable water bottle, a pen, and a notepad.

Delegates will need drinks on arrival, lunch, and afternoon tea.
End-of-day cleaning will be required.
The project activities need to include marketing.

Your first step is to clarify the scope. You make an appointment to meet with Anna.

Your question: You mention Bute Hall as the venue. Can I confirm that is free to use?

A: Yes, that is correct, although the university is now looking at closing down the campus sometime in the summer for some deep cleaning!

Your question: You also mention that the ASBSMC will organise all the speakers and deal with their associated travel and costs, so this is not in scope. They will also organise the timetable for the day. Can I confirm this is the case?

A: Yes, that is correct

Your question: You have set a limit of 500 people attending the conference – is that due to the number of people allowed in Bute Hall? Does that include the speakers and staff?

A: Yes, the university only allows 500 people inside the venue – so I think we limit conference attendees to 480 and allow 20 places for speakers, the caterers, and staff.

Your question: You state that all delegates will have to register online for the conference and pay their fees upfront. The university doesn’t currently have a system to do this. Can I confirm you are asking me to identify a solution to enable delegates to register and pay on-line?

A: Yes, I am

Your question: There is a company called ON-line Today that I have used before. They charge £4 per delegate for the on-line registration. This would be much easier that installing our own on-line registration system – are you Ok if I use this company to do our registration for us.

A: Yes, I am – sounds like a great solution

Your question: About the delegates packs…. you say delegates will collect their conference packs on arrival and pick up a printed badge showing their name and university/college. The badge will act as their meal ticket and enable them to access the venue.

The conference pack includes a reusable canvas tote bag, branded with the conference logo, a reusable water bottle, a pen, and notepad. I have been to the university gift shop, and they can supply everything you have listed as a total package for £20 per delegate. The badge will be plastic on a lanyard, and we will insert a name tag into it. The canvas tote bag is blue, measuring 20 inches x 20 inches and made out of cotton.

The water bottle is a 500ml clear plastic bottle with the university logo printed two inches high on the front. The pen is six inches long, blue, and will be a biro. The note pad will have the conference details on the front, made out of recycled paper, contain 20, A4 sheets. The project team will need to put everything together – each component will come separately. Is this what you had in mind?

A: That sounds really good – I have seen some of the things that are sold in the university gift shop and am happy with the quality.

Your question: You have said the delegates will need drinks on arrival, lunch, and afternoon tea. This is in the scope of the project. What did you have in mind?

A: I thought just tea and coffee on arrival, a cake or something nice for morning tea and afternoon tea, and perhaps a buffet for lunch?

Your question: The university catering department can cater for conferences. They do a one-day catering menu with much of what you have just mentioned for £20 per person. Would you be happy for them to cater?

A: Yes, go ahead with that. I went to a conference last week that they catered for, and the food was lovely.

Your question: You said there would be some cleaning up tasks at the end of the day which you wanted to include in the scope of the project?

A: I did, but I have since changed that requirement as the regular cleaning staff will now do that. Can you please remove it from the scope of the project?
Your question: You said the conference would run on the 1st of June, why did you choose that date?

A: I was worried about the covid restrictions. I was hoping travel restrictions would have been lifted by then, I still don’t know if the covid restrictions in other countries will affect the number of people attending.

Your question: You have said that marketing activities need to be included in the project. I can use Mary, who is a marketing specialist, to take responsibility for the marketing activities. This should be an easy conference to market. I suggest three months before the conference starts, Mary promotes the conference on the university Facebook page, puts the details on the university web page, and sends some flyers to other universities in the UK. She can then monitor how many people have bought tickets and let you know how the marketing is going… I suspect the tickets will be sold out quickly – climate change is very topical at the moment!

A: Sounds good to me – thank you

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