How can fourth grade students’ performance on the Georgia Milestones Assessment in English language arts be improved at Fairmont Elementary School?Explain

Improving English language arts on standardized tests for 4th grade students


Central Research Question: How can fourth grade students’ performance on the Georgia Milestones Assessment in English language arts be improved at Fairmont Elementary School?

Directions: Construct a review of literature using the central research question above to drive the related research review.

The literature review should do the following:

Disclose historical aspects of the problem of practice or topic, demonstrate the factors that may impact the problem of practice or topic, convey an argument for the proposed research, present a critical synthesis and analysis of the existing literature, establish the state of previous research to disclose how the new research could advance the previous research, and to demonstrate the researchers critical analysis and knowledge about the problem of practice or topic.

Nothing can be included in this review that doesn’t come from the literature. Other than simply stating the problem of practice, do not include anything else unless it is from sources cited below within the outline using the 7th edition of APA.

Scholarly peer-edited articles are to be utilized between 2017-2021 publication. Everything must have a citation.  Some references have been provided for use; you could include other scholarly references.

The review of literature should flow linking the topics from the outline on improving 4th grade students’ English language arts skills as it relates to standardized testing. and the theoretical perspective of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky.

As you write, each topic from the outline should follow these tips in well-structured paragraphs in the following order:

Topic sentence establishing the main point of the paragraph. Each sentence afterwards needs to be directly related to the topic of the paragraph.

Next sentence summarizes the cause of the problem of practice.

Next sentence summarizes what the prior solutions to the problem of practice.

How does the literature solve the problem of practice.

How would you as the researcher solve the problem of practice?

Each paragraph should end with a sentence that transitions to the main point of the next paragraph.

The next sentence critiques a weakness of that study- that its finding may not be.

The next sentence summarizes a more recent theoretical perspective on the topic.

The next sentence will synthesize several empirical studies to show a clear pattern of findings in support of the theory.

The last sentence within the paragraph will identify gap in the literature, making way for the relevance of the author’s own research.

Below, you will see the outline of how the research should be addressed along with a link to articles for each topic.

Narrative Review
History of Standardized Testing

TCRecord: Article

Full article: Promoting historical contextualization: the development and testing of a pedagogy (

Formative assessment overview-MAP

ERIC – EJ1244681 – Valuing Teachers’ Evaluative Thinking: The Role of Teacher Knowledge and Practice in Formative Assessment, Research Issues in Contemporary Education, 2019

Evaluating Screening Procedures Across Changes to the Statewide Achievement Test – David A. Klingbeil, Ethan R. Van Norman, Peter M. Nelson, Chris Birr, 2018 (

Summative assessment overview-Georgia Milestone Assessment


Georgia_Milestones_Alignment_Evaluation_Executive_Summary.pdf (

Statewide accountability-CCRPI

College and Career Ready Performance Index (

Microsoft Word – Redesigned CCRPI Overview 011918.docx (
CCRPI Overview 110317.pdf (
f.LaSalle-Zabek 55..65 (

Science of reading

Why Sociocultural Context Matters in the Science of Reading and the Reading of Science: Revisiting the Science Discovery Narrative (

Reading Comprehension Research: Implications for Practice and Policy (

Instructional practices

Scaffolding Reading Comprehension Skills | Salem | English Language Teaching | CCSE (
JHETP 17(9) Web_Master.pdf (

Professional learning

ERIC – EJ1174901 – Teacher Perspectives on Literacy and Mathematics Professional

Development, Issues in Teacher Education, 2018

Teacher-Inquiry-Develops-Elementary-Teachers-Disciplinary-Literacy.pdf (

DeLuca_Systemic professiona learning through collaborative inquiry (

Collective teacher efficacy research: implications for professional learning


04_AER732335 117..143 (

Teacher attendance

full_chapter1.pdf (
EJ1173521.pdf (

Student attendance

“When” Students Miss School: The Role of Timing of Absenteeism on Students’ Test Performance (

Differentiation Between School Attendance Problems: Why and How? (

Parental engagement
06_SOE732332 355..377 (

The Power of Parent Engagement: Sociocultural Considerations in the Quest for Equity (

35-A-review-of-the-relationship-between-parental-involvement-indicators-and-academic-achievement..pdf (

Social emotional learning

qt7x73h059.pdf (
EJ1173199.pdf (

An update on social and emotional learning outcome research (
Instructional materials/strategies

Title of Paper (14 pt Bold, Times, Title case) (

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