Drawing on relevant literature, consider the extent to which education leaders have scope to mediate and interpret these influences and to exert their agency.

Marketisation and Private Sector Participation in Education and Global Governance and the Role of Transnational Organisations


End of EIEL Module Assessment

In this end of EIEL module assignment you will consider how local, national or international contexts and any associated educational policy may frame the role of education leaders. Examples of such contexts include changing regulatory or curriculum frameworks, comparisons such as PISA/TIMMS and leading educational organisations through the uncertainties of the pandemic.

Drawing on relevant literature, consider the extent to which education leaders have scope to mediate and interpret these influences and to exert their agency.

You may choose to approach this assignment by referring to a specific organisational priority from your context or more generally from professional or academic interests.

• Global Governance and the Role of Transnational Organisations

• Marketisation and Private Sector Participation in Education

Potential Structure

The following is a potential structure. It can be tailored according to how you choose to approach this assignment. As a general principle, the main body of this 5000-word assignment may be around 4,000 words and the introduction and conclusion 500 words each.

It is recommended that an outline is sent to your tutor following preliminary discussion of your ideas.

The following may assist when planning your assignment.

Introduction (500 words)

The external influence, its EIEL theme and any associated policy

Significance of external influence e.g. to educational setting, or to your professional role, interests or values

Main Section (4,000 words)

Reflections on literature linked to your external influence, its EIEL theme and any associated policy

Significant themes, ideas and theories associated with the external influence.

Policy linked to external influence

Analysis of underpinning frameworks for the policy e.g. human capital theory;social justice

(Your glossary of concepts and theories associated with external influences and with policy should be useful)

The leadership context: Interpretation and implementation

Challenges for leaders, arising from external contexts and policy

Points of tensions and constraints

Mediating potential opportunities

Provide a clear, well-justified leadership approach to navigating the external and policy contexts

Conclusion (500 words)

Summarise significant points

Soundly based conclusions with implications for the relevant EIEL theme,educational leadership and policy

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