Critically evaluate the biopsychosocial components when affected with Alzheimers, required for occupational performance when buying a book from a book store

Occupational performance and the impact of pathologies


Learning outcome 1:

Critically evaluate biopyschosocial components required for occupational performance.

Learning outcome 2:

Critically analyse the impact of pathologies on the occupational performance of an individual.

Critically evaluate the biopsychosocial components when affected with Alzheimers, required for occupational performance when buying a book from a book store


Evaluate normatively the biological components; nervous system, discuss how brain functions normatively ie neurons, processing information,  brain etc.

Discuss gait and walking normatively, then critique and evaluate types of memory. Evaluate and critique communication and language.

Normal Inter/Intrapersonal skills (confidence in talking to others).

Normal language and communication process – can critique journal Anne C Reboul 2015)

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