Select and review a book that attempts to address Christian or religious unity or bilateral ecumenical dialogue. Present your point of view on these issues critically and theologically.



Select and review a book that attempts to address Christian or religious unity or bilateral ecumenical dialogue.

Present your point of view on these issues critically and theologically.

Book review should be 2-3 pages in length.


COURSE: Ecumenism and Interfaith


I. Introduction: (20pts)

Who the author is? (10pts)

What is the author’s main point? (10pts)

II. Body: 50pts

Summarize the author’s argument. (30pts)

Where are some of the interfaith issues raised in the book? (10pts)

Include quotes that support the author perspective. (10pts)

III. Conclusion: (30pts)

Evaluate: What do you think? (10pts)

Were you persuaded by what you read? (10pts)

Is this a valuable contribution in the field of Ecumenism and interfaith? Explain how. (10pts)

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