Identify an area of concern within your workplace that requires improvement. Justify the selection of the problem area and present a proposal for improvement.


Identify an area of concern within your workplace that requires improvement. Justify the selection of the problem area and present a proposal for improvement. This proposal should detail the resource considerations including any skill development, the potential benefits to the service and its customers and an implementation plan.

Your assignment should be in the form of a written report.

Learning outcomes

1. Select and evaluate from a range of management skills and techniques those appropriate to leading improvement.

2. Construct appropriate performance measures to guide improvement.

3. Prepare and plan improvement activities in the payroll function.

4. Apply project management techniques to the payroll service.


Word Limits

The word limit does not include the reference list, computer programme code listings, tables, diagrams or reasonably short appendices, but will include quotations, citations and the captions to tables and diagrams. The following penalties can be applied to work which exceeds the stated word limit of 3000 words:

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